It's not the birth rates

any time someone says
i know i'm talking to an absolute retard

it's not the birth rates. birth rates are in fact the most self-correcting trait that exists from an evolutionary standpoint
before non-whites were mass imported into the USA, there were 200 million whites. extinction means 0 whites. even if the birth rate was 0.5 per woman, that would be leagues away from extinction.
does anyone say "iceland is going extinct!" or not? no. even though there's only 350,000 people living there. because extinct means "approaching 0"
200 million doesn't just approach 0.
if birth rates drop, that will self-correct in a few generations, as breeder genes win out. it's literally the most selected-for trait from an evolutionary standpoint

the problem is and always has been the importation of millions of non-whites. importing millions of 3rd worlders and then saying "OMG WHITE PEOPLE WE MUST OUTBREED THEM!" is the most deranged and psychotic response imaginable

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Why can't you just breed though?

>implying we decide wether or not we import rabid shitskins and your eu/nato kike overlords
Kys mutt

we literally cannot compete against immigration. the only solution is to remove the kike overlords.

the birth rates will increase the second people wont need to worry about money housing and are economically stable. When people dont need to slave away at work for most of their time availible they start to focus on diffrent problems and seek more important life goals like family,self improvement etc etc.


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You're not wrong
However the different races are competing now. Creating a livable place is like a vacuum and it will be filled.
It's next to impossible to keep this vacuum without people flooding in. Both morally and also practically. Like, there are some pests in the wilderness that nothing can be done about. Why? Because this pest just multiplies and there is no one around to stop them.

So, in this current climate, the more white people the better. More whites means more power for white people in this mix and it means it's easier to keep the shitskins in check, because there will be whites everywhere, and they will have an actual reason to fight the shitskins.

blacks aren't breeding to extreme levels. it's not even the reproductive rates of immigrants. it's the mass importation of htem

The biggest reason for the importation of people from the third world is because we have low birthrates and they have high birthrates. You should be able to see how birthrates and migration aren't disconnected things. Just have sex you fucking idiot

>yes, goyim, keep the value of your labor low so we can enslave your descendants as insect-like drones for all time!

Who cares about creating more kids. Just have sex with doggos

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Sniffed too much petrol, eh

>The biggest reason for the importation of people from the third world is because we have low birthrates
wrong 100%
jews decided to import non-whites solely to make white countries safer for them, by making whites a minority
imagine believing anything jews say

Explain that to the faggot overlords who want more consumers of their faggot entertainment which is banned everywhere else

Prove it

>blacks aren't breeding to extreme levels
Not with Row v. Wayne

son, why do you think they're being imported? Is it not because your 80 y/o overweight ass cannot do any real job?
>breeder genes win out
yeah, and nowadays those genes all seem to be coloured. the import IS the self-correction. as is the great white suicide.

easy. they literally admit it

>This paper discusses Jewish involvement in shaping United States immigration policy. In addition to a periodic interest in fostering the immigration of co-religionists as a result of anti-Semitic movements, Jews have an interest in opposing the establishment of ethnically and culturally homogeneous societies in which they reside as minorities. Jews have been at the forefront in supporting movements aimed at altering the ethnic status quo in the United States in favor of immigration of non-European peoples. These activities have involved leadership in Congress, organizing and funding anti-restrictionist groups composed of Jews and gentiles, and originating intellectual movements opposed to evolutionary and biological perspectives in the social sciences.

reminder, when they passed the 1960s immigration law they PROMISED it wouldn't change the ethnic balance of the US, but quite obviously that was totally the goal and it did that

someone gets it

>why do you think they're being imported?
because jews wanted a country safer for them which means no clear ethnic majority. they admit this. see: >because your 80 y/o overweight ass cannot do any real job?
there is no job in the USA that is majority done by non-citizens. that's a massive hoax

>the import IS the self-correction
no there is no correction. they decided to import 3rd worlders to cheapen labor and make whites a minority, to benefit the jews


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This papers abstract speaks about jews shaping immigration policy. That can mean many things, and it doesn't have to mean that they decided immigration policy. Tell me what exactly the jews did to decide that nonwhites will flood america

>there is no job in the USA that is majority done by non-citizens.
maybe it's because the imports get the citizenship? a piece of paper doesn't make them any less brown, you know

not true
breeder genes are selected for under natural selection
not under artificial selection
let's say you reduce the carriers of all dominant copies of all breeder genes to 1% of the population - the population will collapse
specifically, those 1% will multiply, the rest of the population will collapse
we already know about muh Amish muh Mormons
>white decline means literal extinction, 0 whites
kike pilpul
white decline means all other races growing overall, whites shrinking overall, eventually reaching a population crunch threshold and collapsing (we are pretty close to this)
it does not mean 0 whites

as far as importing of nonwhites into white countries, you're absolutely correct and I've been pointing that out for years, even if all the races' TFRs were exactly 2 in any given white country, whites would lose because of immigration, very quickly - it already happened, it is not up for debate or discussion

white birthrates would need to go back to levels not seen in modern history just to counteract immigration, it's not going to happen

and the birthrate issue itself is always discussed only in quantitative terms, not qualitative
the last thing any white population needs is more self-hating race-suicidal leftists or cuckservatives, which is what about 90% of them are, the probability that any white child born since say 1900 AD would become anything but a race-traitor is perhaps 0.1 - that cohort needs to be sterilized, frankly, as it does nothing but poison the genomic well

Dr. WLP was explaining all of this before any of us were even born, he predicted all of this, it's all obvious

>maybe it's because the imports get the citizenship? a piece of paper doesn't make them any less brown, you know
or maybe it's because there's no job too difficult for native-born americans that literal 80 IQ 3rd worlders are needed for it

please explain exactly what job 200+ million americans are incapable of doing, champ. no memes

>breeder genes are selected for under natural selection
>not under artificial selection
they're selected for unless you force people to reproduce

>white decline
i never once used this term

>white decline means all other races growing overall, whites shrinking overall, eventually reaching a population crunch threshold and collapsing (we are pretty close to this)
the problem is and always has been the importation of 3rd world nonwhites.

the white population shrinking is irrelevant, actually. if a population is 100% white it can shrink all it wants, it will still remain 100% white

>Dr. WLP was explaining all of this before any of us were even born, he predicted all of this, it's all obvious
Dr. WLP also said ideally we would have a 100% north america with a population of FIFTY MILLION
so he already thought the US white population was a bit too high