At Rural Hospital Chachro...

>at Rural Hospital Chachro, Sindh Pakistan: Hindu Mother's newborn child's throat was slit during birth by the staff in absence of a gynecologist as the umbilical cord entangled the neck, later she was shifted to Hyderabad where doctors remove the rest of the body from her womb

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fucking savages

An Indian female doctor killed a baby that way in Scotland a few years ago. Your race must just have this defect.

Allahs will, quite simply


doctors, lawyers, engineers

Never trust Muslims, they are savages. All Indians should avoid Pakistan.

Sad to see. They must have only had a machete on hand to remove the umbilical cord, because that looks more like a beheading than a throat slit scenario. Even if it was just a throat slit scenario, how twitchy do you have to be to not stop at the umbilical cord and instead go all the way?

poor little jeeta

Its dey culture bigot


way to stay ahead of the game, young thug.

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There is no medical condition for which slashing the throat of your baby is the cure.

just a murder

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Oh, nvm then.
They were probably singing "allahu akhbar", the "For he's a jolly good fellow" of beheadings.

>Babbie's first beheading

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At least it died as we all wish we could, knee deep in vagina.

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must be some Muslim thing.

In that case the baby came out feet first and the doctor tried to pull it out and the head broke off inside the mother. They had to go in and retrieve the head later.

Machetes are a very common surgical tool for Muslims.

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Yeah that's my fill of Any Forums for today.

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Retard baby due to choking

Worst spawn in ever

Maybe they found out that the mother and father weren't close relations and they were so shocked and appalled by this that they just couldn't let the child live.

If that was my child I’d murder every last hospital staff member in the room.

Don't be a bigot, all cultures are equal and beautiful.

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Fucking spawn camping shitskins.

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How is its ears that fucking big coming out of the chute?