Unpopular opinions

Dinosaurs were degenerate scum and deserved to be killed off. The world is better off without their absolutely deplorable behavior.

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this isn't a lizard nigger board. fuck off, pedro.


>evolutionists expect me to believe they fucked like this


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then you'll be glad to know that they never existed and are simply yet another masonic psyop


Then how did they fuck? In missionary position like proper Christians?

Dinosaur rights are human rights.

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As long as I live I will stand with israel and I unironically feel bad for jews and what occured to them during the holocaust. Even if there were some bad jews the vast majority of other european jews didn't deserve it. I also think israel is a great geo-political ally

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Is this about the sex-lakes?

they didn't fuck because they didn't exist, and it doesn't even matter if they did or didn't

>Creationists expect me to believe that their god designed this

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Those are not the least bit unpopular. Those are widely acceptable opinions especially by the establishment.

Probably what wiped out the dinos.
Some jewosourous talked them into bloodline ending sexual relationships.

GO Back to R@ddit you udder fking nigger.

>God can create the universe
>can't create a duck
meanwhile Germans can't create a country that lasts longer than a masonic economic zone planned on the back of a napkin

Actually they had feathers and where based as fuck

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How much time did your god put exactly into deciding that male ducks should have a corkscrew penis at least as long as their body, that female ducks should have a vagina that cork-screws in the opposite direction+has deadends and what deeper truth and wisdom lies behind this design?

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1. Have old stories of dragons and giants that predate history.
2. Find giant bones that predate history.
3. ????
4. Profit

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They did it in the 69 position, I saw a video about that on Jewtube

Nephilim (Giants).