Small town America is still salvageable

>Be me
>From Jew York
>Decide to go upstate, drive around innawoods and explore one weekend
>Get pulled over by state trooper for not having seatbelt on, get ticket
>First ticket I have ever gotten in my life
>Decide to go in person to whatever municipal court it is on the set date
>Day comes, I get dressed up in button down and tie, drive 200+ miles with my ticket
>The judge dealing with my case is an older man, late 70s I imagine, very dignified looking
>Sees I drove such a long distance for a seatbelt violation and got dressed up, dismisses the charge completely and says "You seem like a good young man, I think we can let this slide"
>I shake his hand, go to local restaurant nearby, buy a slice of pizza and drink, and bring it back to the courthouse to him as a thank you which he appreciated

If this had happened anywhere near I live in NYC, I would've probably had to deal with a sheboon county clerk or spic judge and have paid whatever fine and points on my license, is this just how small town America operates? If so, I am extremely whitepilled on the hope this country still has to change

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>everyone is on opioids

You know there is level of prisions
you not gonna find yourself with pedophiles and other violent criminals just for a ticket

atleast in the usa.
in other countries you dont go for jail for that I heard (I am shitposting its a joke dear adl ngo. I actually have a latina girlfriend)

As if big cities don't have even more opioids retard. Cities have opioids AND minorities. Fuck that

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small towns have minorities, plus opioids, plus degeneracy, minus opportunity

I know, the point was that dealing with a traffic violation in NYC would have meant I would have to interact with scum of the Earth at the DMV where every teller is a sheboon. I wouldn't have had the charge completely dismissed either, and I'd get points against my license along with a fine

Are you seriously trying to suggest to that a small town innawoods is anywhere close to being the degenerate cesspool of shitskins and drugs that my hometown of NYC is? Please tell me you are not that retarded

>t. Schity Slicker

>Are you seriously trying to suggest to that a small town innawoods is anywhere close to being the degenerate cesspool of shitskins and drugs that my hometown of NYC is?

The difference is, no one involves you with their shit. And since you see them at church on Sunday, they’re not going to involve you with their shit.

> is this just how small town America operates?
for the most part yes.
But the mass-importation of minorities to our small communities will probably change all that.

Yes that's the kind of vibe I get exploring these small towns in the countryside. While we were waiting for some form, I was talking with the judge and he said that life up there is much more easy going than it is where I am from. Maybe it's naive to believe that life in a small town setting is more idyllic, but at this point anything is better than NYC

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Wtf is your flag

>mass importation of minorities
This is where I foresee the problems arising, but like I said, to me small towns are still salvageable if things change soon enough. For the most part, our cities are lost and have been lost to us for decades already

America is unironically great. We just talk about the bad.

he lives on a Pacific island the US controls

My experience is all the degeneracy is kept behind closed doors. It’s not that it doesn’t happen, but when it occurs in public it’s dealt with rather swiftly.

>bribed a judge
what a wonderful story

Any place that is white and run by whites will have humanity left. I called customer service for an international corporation last week and spoke to an older southern lady, and she helped me with everything I needed and she was happy to do so. White people are just like that. If you live in a place that is still white, you'll get a good community that doesn't hurt you for no reason.

That being said, the jews have plans to put high-rise, low-income housing in every white small town and fill them all to the brim with rapists from the congo.

You don't yet understand how bad our situation is. There is never going to be any escape. You can't run away. You're going to end up in Maine or Spokane, WA, and you'll think you're in a white place, but then a tower will go up next to your supermarket and it'll get filled with retarded murderers from haiti and somalia and they'll rape your wife and daughter and aborting it will be a hate crime because you are doing slavery to the unborn disgusting nigger 77-IQ rapist growing inside the body of the woman you love.

Once we are outnumbered and disenfranchised beyond a critical point, we will be unable to escape. we are already unable to defend ourselves. niggers can murder you for free as long as they say "he raysiss," but if you defend yourself, you're an evil nazi from hell who needs to go to jail forever.

there is no escape

there is no political solution.

we have to remove the jews, then the blacks, then the mexicans, then the arabs, and then we can rest and eat chinese food with the chinese before we take away their voting rights.

that's the only way out.

I think that's inevitable to only really focus on the bad, seeing that it's where most people have their most passionate opinions and not the really goods things we take for granted here. Hell, the pizza place I went to in the same town had a rifle mounted on the wall and every house had either a Trump flag or hand painted sign out front trashing Biden. It felt like whiplash to see all of that compared to what I'm used to in a megacity

That's the only place degeneracy, if it should happen, *should* be anyways. Meanwhile the NYC pride parade this week will be an open display of cultural rot and feature trannies and other assorted freaks doing shit in front of children. It's like two different worlds, and only a car's ride away

You watch too many lifetime movie, you might find this in like old college town or ski town
yes that’s exactly what I’m suggesting, i am from small innawoods
>also these small towns all have subway and dollar general

do you prefer the city style of everyone being on meth and crack?

Everyone is on meth and crack here as well , and the only jobs are: teacher cop dpw dollar general stocker or welfare queen

>You watch too many lifetime movie, you might find this in like old college town or ski town

I speak from experience. user above is correct, the only thing which drove me out was lack of opportunity. These small towns are a great place to be a kid, and a great place to retire, but in between your options are limited. Although there might be something post Covid.

I only gave him food after he dismissed it, Hans. Though with your reading comprehension skills, your name is probably Muhammad and you're from Syria

2 months per year we get flooded with city slickers looking to fish, only economic driver, and they FUCK all the local girls at the motels or air bnb owned by other city slicker on river

Opioids and meth are the only two things that will bring rural and big city America together

yes, unfortunate this is how it is, if you stick around you just poorer than those who left and came back

>gets judged and case dismissed
>buys judge pizza after the fact
Maybe that's how bribes work in Germistan.

Triple checked and correct. There's a lot of "open secrets" in rural land. Stuff everybody knows but just isn't talked about until somebody spills the beans publicly. Then it's either dealt with asap or, in some cases, ignored (because it's not as salacious as some people think it should be).

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I did this before, same type of judge.
He asked if I knew who some famous person from the 50's was who has the same last name as me and I did and told him what he was famous for and that was that.

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See that's just a completely foreign concept to me, the spics around me will learn about someone's dirty laundry and by the end of the day their cousin's nephew's mailman's abuelita knows about it too. Don't even get me started on nogs

Iv3 had state DEA agents throw out a lb of drugs ibstead of give me a ticket.

It just made me happy to know that there are still people in positions of government around still, nevertheless that their number decreases year by year

That's one thing I have noticed about these small towns though on my drives, for the most part they seem very run down and many of the people walking around have the same kind of hopeless expression on their face. It's just sad, what truly gets me is when I see a closed down old church and I imagine maybe not even 30 years ago that same church was probably a bustling place with Godly people, and now it sits empty and unused

Nowhere is 'great' or even good anymore. I don't know how the fuck anyone thinks about the future, I've known this retarded fucking toilet would clogged overflow ten years ago. The only thing I've ever looked forward to is killing shitskins in the ruins. Not for a country, not for my family, not for any of you faggots. Simply because niggers never should've been born and they're disgusting.