Democracy is stupid

What is the point of having a democracy if media oligarchs get to choose who has positive media coverage?

Attached: say_no_to_democracy_decal.jpg (240x240, 10.15K)

Better let literal schizo do whatever he wants with your life

I don't understand how the rightwing can be so openly opposed to democracy. Maddening. As a lefty democracy is the most sacred thing to me. It frustrates us to no end that you've already stolen democracy from us in the US through the electoral college and the senate and other things

I mean democracy is literally your right to govern yourself and not be a slave to your government AKA some military dictator. You're absolute god damn psychos

Attached: republicans.jpg (1216x1686, 279.05K)

it's easier to rule someone that thinks he is choosing his own fate

right because spreading your buttcheeks for tyrants and oligarchs is based

>I don't understand how the rightwing can be so openly opposed to democracy. Maddening. As a lefty democracy is the most sacred thing to me. It frustrates us to no end that you've already stolen democracy from us in the US through the electoral college and the senate and other things
>I mean democracy is literally your right to govern yourself and not be a slave to your government AKA some military dictator. You're absolute god damn psychos
Also noteworthy is the rightwing is openly trying to steal your right to vote, violently overthrow the US government to install a christian theocratic dictatorship under which you have no rights, your reproductive organs are all legislated, you're forced to attend church on sundays, cops are a domestic military that can execute you in the street and face no consequences, and all sorts of other sick shit. Oh yeah, you'll also be a complete slave to a handful of billionaire capitalists because businesses will have all the rights and the humans will have none. And they'll call this "freedom"

imagine getting othered because you're the wrong sect of devout christian, while the elites are off fucking little boys

>democracy is literally your right to govern yourself
Who wanted to compel people to get the vax?
>I don't understand how the rightwing can be so
you were saying?

PS that "(OP)" is there because of the way I cut and copied the previous comment to add onto it. INB4 you monstrous schizos on this site flip out thinking "OMG ITS A GPT4BOT IT'S THE CIA IS THE GLOWNIGGERS IT'S THE JEWS TRYING TO SUBVERT Any Forums FROM THEIR SECRET JEWISH LAIR AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH" Because I know that's what happens in your minds, from experience, when you see something like that

>your reproductive organs are all legislated

trump didn't even give his cuck faggot supporters a whiff of melania's crusty panties and they're going to commit treason and die for that piece of shit.

My personal approval for democracy has reached 0

The only other option is anti-semitic right-wing fascism, but we can't forget the six million.

Libs shouldn't breed.

>Important tens of millions of 3rd worlders whos country's are shit because of their political decisions and then claim you have a majority and are underrepresented.

Also we're a Republic you nigger faggot. Democracy had proven to be 3rd world tier garbage. A nigress with 13 kids on welfare or an illegal economic migrant shouldn't have the same vote weight as mine (they shouldn't have a vote at all actually)


>democracy is literally your right to govern yourself
Then why don't we get the right to hold pro-White protests?

Vaccine mandates were not supported by the majority of the country. So there you go, you screwed yourself as a rightwinger by being against democracy. As always.

They also happened due to capitalism at the end of the day, so there you go your own fault again.

The vaccines also were good for you and led to much better health outcomes for people who got them. So there you go again on all 3 counts you're just stupid, inbred, distrustful, paranoid psychopaths

You do have that right, you stupid uneducated retard. Your retarded far right racist views are just profoundly unpopular so they don't happen too often because you don't have many people on your side

Democracy is run by tyrants and oligarchs. What is your point?

>you'll also be a complete slave to a handful of billionaire capitalists because businesses will have all the rights and the humans will have none
That's life under democracy right now.

No it isn't you dumb shit.
Return to Monarchy.

And under democracy, you merely have a council of Jewish pyschopaths who control your daily life.

Attached: 1655315627655.jpg (850x400, 76.88K)

Its psychopaths, and they already do whatever they want with our lives. The collapse is the only chance at freedom any of us will have.

>Vaccine mandates were not supported by the majority of the country. So there you go, you screwed yourself as a rightwinger by being against democracy. As always.
>They also happened due to capitalism at the end of the day, so there you go your own fault again.
>The vaccines also were good for you and led to much better health outcomes for people who got them. So there you go again on all 3 counts you're just stupid, inbred, distrustful, paranoid psychopaths
And uneducated*. The uneducated* part is also very important to stress. Lack of education is a massive problem on the rightwing

If the media aren't doing their job of informing the public then you do not have a democracy.
Corporate media have been an organ of the state for a while now.

That's your rightwing capitalism. You have no one to blame for that but yourself

Except that its not. What always happens is that plebs vote for the twat in power who promises them more free gibs, neither takes responsibility for the decline in society due to welfare, plebs continue voting for more free shit and bigger government until whoopsie, the government is so big becomes the CCP and starts telling you to eat bugs and get in the pod to save the planet.

If you fucking leftists understood economics and how the gibs (and your addiction to them) are being used to ultimately enslave you, you wouldn't be leftists.

Yeah, lying to people is just safer.

And who will be king? You? Fite me irl.

>What always happens is that plebs vote for the twat in power who promises them more free gibs, neither takes responsibility for the decline in society due to welfare
I assure you the decline in society is due to you and others like you. Not welfare. We were a lot better off when we had a lot of welfare here in the USA

Lie, cheat & steal. Only way in clown world

Luckily enough, most of them are jabbed and therefore are also likely sterile.

>Vaccine mandates were not supported by the majority of the country
And yet your democracy oppresses those who did not bend the knee.
Democracy looks pretty shitty if even you admit that it is nothing more than an oligarchy run by capitalists who hate the peasants.
The injections are poison, even the corporations you worship admit this.

>You do have that right
Then why are pro-White activist groups arrested for peacefully protesting?

Maybe I will, not through pen and paper are the great nations created, but through blood and iron. Come at me faggot.

Yeah no one is "oppressing you" except the rightwing, which you support

When there are a number of them they will never agree on doing anything really destructive

And also no one is arrested for peacefully protesting here in the USA

atp, I'd rather have a monarch than an anti-White mediacracy.

>That's your rightwing capitalism
The only one shilling for pharmaceutical tyranny and capitalist oligarchy is yourself.

I completed a Bachelors' in High School. All you can do is regurgitate propaganda.
You're that 62 year old door dash driver that flits around the room virtue signalling to everyone about how you helped your friend when she got cancer.

No on the left we don't believe in capitalism. We don't believe in a private pharmaceutical industry. We want it nationalized and run for the public benefit, not for some billionaire's or shareholder's profit

It's obvious that you are a shill since you don't even know about the Patriot Front mass arrest, or are intentionally ignoring it.

You are exactly the kind of bootlicking, disingenuous shill that proves that democracy appeals to bad people.

What the fuck is the shit you retards ramble about. I swear to fuck I can't even decipher it much of the time

>we don't believe in capitalism.
Yet here you are shilling for it.
This proves that leftists have no values beyond shilling for whatever the media peddles.

Yeah Patriot Front wasn't there to just peacefully protest. They're a militant righwing org that literally wants to violently overthrow the US govt and take democracy away from every US citizens

Agree. I hate the stupidity of my people here, although we could shift towards a right path, people are too retarted.

Um I never "shilled for capitalism". You're incoherent, illiterate, possibly schizophrenic

>Patriot Front wasn't there to just peacefully protest.
Yes they were and they were shut down by the police state (which you worship) for peacefully protesting.
Proving once again that democracy violates basic human rights.

because democracy is not forcing the issue, which is what it becomes when you don't get your way.

there are no democracies on planet earth in the current year.

that's not a democracy, mouthbreather.

>I never "shilled for capitalism
You shilled for pharmaceutical corporations forcing mass injection of a dangerous chemical. What you are doing now is gaslighting.
Again, I present HmFVokQF and all his posts as evidence that democracy is bad.

>it wasn't REEEEEEEL democracy
It is and it is terrible.

No none of that is reality and you're the #BackTheBlue side. I'm the #DefundThePolice side. Remember? So I don't think you get to accuse me of being "the police state side" in any sane world. Oh wait, we're not in a sane world, we're in rightwing echo chamber land

>you're the #BackTheBlue side
No. That's literally you since you support the police state cracking down on peaceful protesters.

No none of that happened. Literally did not happen, not even in the post you linked to.

You on the rightwing are capitalists.
On the left we're not capitalists.

We don't believe in private industry. Private profits. We want the pharma industry nationalized and run for public good rather than profit

Uh no you're just saying things that are the opposite of true

>No none of that happened.
More gaslighting.
You also supported mass arrests of peaceful protesters while claiming not to support the police state that does it.
Leftists have no values.

Democracy is retarded because it is output constrained. Many groups compete for representation (everyone gets an input), but only the winner gets it (only one output). Proportional systems don't solve this, since there is still only one output, and thus the only people actually getting represented are the people who wanted precisely what that coalition provides, which is always going to be a tiny minority since the majority, by necessity, needed to want the individual parties making up the coalition rather than the coalition itself, and thus these systems also end up only representing a tiny minority.

So long as democracy is output constrained, it will only serve to divide the people by forcing them to compete with each other for representation, which functions as a kind of scarce resources. To eliminate this scarcity we need a system where multiple representative bodies exist in parallel and where instead of voting to change these systems, people vote with their feet by moving to the system they want to live under. Just have a immutable state for each of the popular ideologies and replace the cultural practice of leaving home for meme degrees with a cultural practice of leaving home to pick the system you want to live under.

No. Just fiction. You're literally just writing comment after comment here making up blatant and almost random fictions

Wake people up to it all being bullshit and show normies decentralized media and get them to vote for who the media fucking hates.

>you're just saying things that are the opposite of true
You supported the mass arrest of peaceful protesters by the police state Democrat shills gaslight. Why would they need to do this if democracy is so great?

>supports the police state
>supports arresting peaceful protesters

You're linking these comments that don't say any of the things you're claiming they do

just cut the cord user


INB4 you randomly call me a pedo now. Since that's the next step in the standard rightwing playbook of just smearing the left with random unsubstantiated things