Ban All Sex-Ed

>New GOP Party Platform
>"We demand the State Legislature pass a law prohibiting the teaching of sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever."

Isn't this going a little too far?

Attached: Republican-Party-Texas-logo.jpg (610x350, 36.64K)

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I refuse to believe Republicans are being this based. Gib link.

Attached: groomservatives.jpg (400x278, 23.02K)

The Texas GOP has taken a tumble dive down the drain. Next thing you know they'll make boycotting Israel a felony.

They seriously believe abstinence-only education works when it's been proven false countless times. $1 million says the people writing these laws couldn't control their pants when they were in high school but they want the younger generations to do it somehow.

>trying to conflate not grooming children with support for Israel to shift the narrative of the thread
Our public schools have no place in the education of children about sex/gender and whatever other social bullshit they can dream up. It's not "abstinence only education" to not have some retard public school teacher groom your kids. If you want your kids to learn that casual sex is a good thing, you can go ahead and teach them yourself you lazy faggot.


>trying to conflate basic sex-ed with support for muh groomer trannies to shift the narrative of the thread

poltards are all dumb fucking cunts

fuck off, groomer

you're making up quotes now
the platform explicitly states a ban on all sex education in any grade whatsoever.

no, Sex Ed was started to counter weird disinfo.

now Sex Ed is primary source of weird disinfo.

in college my Psych 101 prof said Chinese woman average age for first sex is 28yrs old. I googled and found average age of Chinese mother giving birth was 24. Prof got mad and defensive.

Ban public schools instead. They are fucked up beyond salvaging.

Regional GOP is much more based closer to voters and much more smaller complete opposite of federal GOP

Children should learn these things from their parents, not some weirdo 30 year old man that’s such a loser he wound up teaching public school health classes. It’s actually insane how far we’ve gotten that this is upsetting to you and other people, it seems incredibly self-evident.

It's parents job. Government should provide stuff that are absolutely necessary only.

>Isn't this going a little too far?
The way I look at it, the introduction of sex education in the classroom was a mistake and it lead to what we have today.
Slippery slope and it will happen with everything you let them implement.
There is no reason to teach or want to teach children anything about sex and degeneracy.

Parents should teach their kids algebra too

Why so much blue

Explain to us how with the internet and millions of algebra educational videos on YouTube your little joke is not possible, Canadian tranny faggot

That's what I said. Algebra in schools should be banned.

Sex education is a family matter, not a school matter. The application of condoms is one of the most basic topics covered in sex ed, so idk why you're talking about "made up quotes" as if that wasn't going to be the tamest thing the kids learned if you groomer enablers had your way.

A ban on sex education in any grade is a good thing, public school teachers are not equipped to teach other people's children about sexual issues.


>schools should be banned.
I agree, there is no reason in todays "society" that we force children to go to a brick and mortar school building.