
Attached: 20220621_232310.jpg (806x960, 72K)

Probably had a better quality of life than many drug addict and criminal niggers do today.

>imagine paying for a nigger
This is how the end of the US started

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>18 women
>6 girls
>1 female
Uhh brehs? I don't like these odds.

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FYI, the building is still there

It's the welfare that did it.
They could have been KANGZ. But they decided to be drug monkeys and single mothers instead.

There were 6 young girls and 1 good cook amongst those 18 females

I will take 2 comely girls, the female cook and one hog to go.


Tiny penis loser alert lol. Fuck off, 3rd world mongrel. Your whore mother should've never shit you out.

You know, I'm beginning to realize these well-behaved hard-working black slaves sound just like women before women's rights. And the chimpout ones of today who have been given rights are just like the chimping out women who were given rights.

This is the Jews' doing isn't it...

>tfw when you'll never have your prize buck beat on other niggers whilst you place bets with the lads

>peaceful lot
>no trouble makers

Democrats have been lying on their behalf for centuries

>Can work hard
do they imply that most of those niggers are useless?

People forget that they got paid by food.
Those useless nigger were loved and they couldnt even speak English. I hate niggers

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lol nope, it was still capitalism back then

Not really

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black people invented everything, including transgenderism and personalized pronouns, get used to it biggot

High Quality niggers, right ?

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There's something off about your flag....I can't quite put my finger on it

You'll never convince me sleeping a shack and working the land is better than life in a cage. Which is the lot of niggers' fate today.

Btw, do the chickens come with the nigs? I find it weird there's pigs horses cows and whatnot but no fucking poultry to be seen. Does every negro have 2 complementary chicken to go?

You are a sussy US of A imposter!!

That's a fact, welfare fucked up. Five decades after slavery, blacks had lower rates of single motherhood in average than whites, lower unemployment rates and although the average earning was lower, it was rising steadily and forecasted to surpass average white evenings in some areas as early as 2 to 3 decades


sneed seethe'e
skinny 16yo twink

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the slaveowners were still trying to maximize profits above all else, so slaves were forced to work at a breakneck pace 16 hours a day in southern heat and humidity. but 2000 years ago being a slave was more like being an employee is today with some quality of life.

US Minor Outlying Islands, where they did a lot of nuclear testing 70 years ago. It's supposed to be uninhabited, unless....
I'm just surprised there are IP addresses assigned to it.

>6 girls, bud'n out
what did they mean by this?

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There's a couple hundred inhabitants up there
Must have pretty slow internet tho

So that guy's basically a fed?

I was thinking more creature of the deep but same difference.