The absolute state of Europe

the absolute state of Europe

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Jew powered steam generation sounds feasible, I approve.

Just pay them in rubles and there will be an end to the suffering.

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>czech kikes be like

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>don't burn the coal; pay the toll

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>we will burn anything we can

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They mean jews

keep making that porn I like so much czechia

Reddit told me because of the war in ukraine we would all be driving electric cars in 6 months

Is this the final solution?

Checked. A total boss.

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Putin made his mind out to replace the entire establishment of Europe. he gonna crash their economy and trigger a continental revolt like the Yellow Vests in France that will decapitate the rulers, after this he make new agreements with new radical elements that will come to power. he's basically organizing a coup in the entire continent of Europe, crashing the EU and driving America out to the Atlantic

after this is done Xi gonna take Taiwan and stretch his long legs into the Pacific

this is an ambitious conspiracy by Putin and Xi to drive America all the way to its coastlines

Checked and based

That would only leave Israel to be dealt with.

Why are you jewish?

imagine being so fucking proud to not pay another country in its own currency, so that your own citizens suffer and die.

fucking psychopaths are in charge in europe.

>stop gas delivery
>no more money because you can't build pipelines in a couple of weeks
>you either have to burn your gas or close the fields, with no guarantee that you can reopen them because of missing technology due to sanctions
>gloves are off, no more "dont provoke Putin lul"
>every nato member delivers all kinds of tanks and artillery, also supplying troops as volunteers

sounds like a plan

Stop. I can only get so hard.

Needs to destabilize Middle East next to prevent any alternatives in fossil fuels from there as much as possible (which might be achieved by crashing world food and fertilizer markets).

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>we have a massive surplus of energy production
>we are one of the bigger exporters in Europe
>we have one of the highest energy prices
please, please explain this to me like I'm a drooling tard, how is this not absurd?

>gloves are off, no more "dont provoke Putin lul"
user, many countries intentionally poked Russia for many years. Minsk agreements are good example that your "don't provoke Putin" mindset never existed in the first place.

There is an EU energy sharing contract and you are our neighbour's, Germany basically sucks you dry.

>the absolute state of Europe
Its because Jews did the Ukraine vs Russia psy op

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lel and quads of truth. i dont understand peoples hatred of russia. imagine freezing because you refuse to pay the russians in their own currency for their own oil that your buying from them, all because muh ukraine. ukraine was couped by the CIA in 2014. the new govt was anti russia, hostile towards russia, from day one and was about to join NATO which would put even more nato shit on russias border. plus ukraine is a fake country anyways, its russian clay. EU people are retarded sheep, idk if my people are worse or their people. over here the gas prices are crazy too. everything costs so much more money. shit is stupid.

Global depression coming in the next year 100%

I bet we see 500+ million starve to death minimum