Tell me what you'll Drink and whats on your mind / remoralisation edition

FUCK you Jannis this is Political
Post whitepills, Join the talk or Just lurk

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I'll have a double gin and tonic seeing as how it's summer now.
I'm thinking about how much I hate globohomo

A pretty girl sat next to me on the bus the other day. Feelsgoodman

Everyday I become more and more whitepilled, and optimistic for the future of our species. Conversations with random individuals show me that people as a whole are becoming more aware of the problems we face and more willing to work to fix them. The energy is ripe for a spiritual revolution of throwing away the chains of doom and gloom, and to forge a new path.
>Tell me what you'll drink.
Water, no ice, I need the hydration for the work ahead.

Coming right Up friend. Dont worry too much, their Mask will Fall in the end

Did you Talk to her user? If not Just try next time, you'll be surprised

Not fussy about the gin either, as long as it's not bathtub gin that makes you go blind. Canada Dry makes a good tonic water.

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Thats the Attitude friend! Youre right its going up. Slowly we are making ground. The Future is bright

I didn't talk to her. I barely even looked at her. Khv sucks.

Amber Lamps...

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We're not some City sliker bar but you wont Go blind friend. Cheers!

Weisheit und Stärke mein bruder. Not for the glory of one of us, but for the glory of us all.

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You know whenever I approche Girls i Just Tell myself "would you rather get rejected or wonder for weeks what could have been?" Usually works

Based GIF, saved
Thank you Friend, heres one to friendship. No more Brother wars

just a beer for me, came back from work where I've noticed how much of a jewry is going on, one day they are 'just testing' a new shitty workflow, 2 days afterwars its a regularity and sucks ass

>what you'll Drink
nigger cum, please
>whats on your mind

Vodka and cola mix with lots of ice for me.
I just dream of a world without jewish influence. Imagine no zionism, no communist theory. Only homogenous nations, admiring one another, while sticking to our roots.

Their increase in Propaganda Just means they know they are loosing ground friend. Weizen or a Pils?

Nice try shlomo

In time we will have that Back Brother. The world is waking up to their ways. Belive in yourself, your Brothers and your Nation. In time we will celebreate Side by side

Pils pls
just working there for the knowledge they have, money is shit, but you gotta do what you gotta do to

Hell I feel you. Starting a apprenticeship at 26. At least my Boss is based and lets me Boss around the Niggers

This thread won't be archived on my watch. Have a bump.

Thank you Brother ! I used to Run Threads Like this for a while but faggot Jannis range banned me. I guess they hate the moralisation and comfy talks

give another fill with less vodka tho. I'd love to have a buzz but avoid getting drunk.

I wish more people would start looking inward and develop a sense of introspection. Detox from cigarettes, drink moderatly and avoid syntetic drugs completely. Build their bodies to feel the power of will, that it is tangible and has a value. I found a new love for classical music and opera. It reminds me how true art stood the test of time and why modernity is doomed to be forgotten. Yes I am hopeful.