Tin Foil Summer has begun

Drop your favorite schizo take or take your meds now

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most posters on pol are real

For me? No shit september.

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>Thinks paid shills are "real" poster
Oh boi.

mares, I love them!

meds, now

The Bible is real. Christ died for your sins and will return soon. The 7 year tribulation is about to begin. Aliens and UFO's are fallen angels and demons. (((They))) are building up to UFO disclosure soon to explain away the rapture of the church.

Put your faith in Christ Anons, not much time is left.

Covid was about locking down and destroying the economy to cause civil strife, supply chain disruptions and famine on a global scale. The vax was the real bio-weapon and they're going to use the upcoming disease and civil unrest to push bio-surveillance which will be bound to govt controlled digital currencies. It's why they're destroying the economy, to get rid of FIAT and track everything. This will become the mark of the beast.

My meds only work if you take them too.

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i've seen ufos. 100s. shapeshifting orbs. even bought gen 3 night vision to see them better. pvs 7.

a breakaway civ happened. really. I've seen them leave. there's a reason you don't get to go to space. elites used tech to brainwash the masses and trick everyone. jewtv was a mistake. NPCs will be the elites slaves forever I think. when the grid turns off we'll know they want us to eat one another alive. we'll see them leaving up in the sky too.

all the rocket tech is NPC tech. the real tech makes no noise and can manipulate the physcial. don't trust anything you've seen on jewtv, question everything.

btw I took this pic in dallas years ago. in rural texas now. never going back. sad thing is the chem trails are even out here. they spray everywhere. I saw a very odd one just this sunday. I didn't question chem trains until I was on lsd and took a nature hike. nature is beautiful but when you see a jew made chemtrail, and I lived next to dfw so I see planes 24/7. these chemtrails don't add up. elites are spraying.

good luck. I'm right.

btw here is the song I'm jammin right now. I have top taste in music. this was right before jews made niggers go full ape hip hop.

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inner earth is real

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the dark ages are a cover up for the mud flood

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WWII was the last battle between the sumerians and the israelis
afterwards in 1947 neo israel was formed after been banned for 3300 years

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You do know that we have documented history from the "dark ages", right? Be it more sparse than other time periods, we still have an account. And there was no "mud flood" documented. You fucking tard. Why can't you understand that we live on a soggy sponge and giant fucking buildings made of stone sink over time?

all the old buildings were built by giant summerians and destroyed by the israelis after the war

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1300s byzantine buildings in turkey buried under 20 feet of sudden mud, then soil above undisturbed for 400 years
kike timeline is fake and gay

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new 'findings' prove that the sumerian giants evolved from a different line than us

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>favorite schizo take

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if you follow teh sumerian royal seals, like the 16 petal flower over time, you will discover that all elite groups adopted it

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handmade objects and objects which have been cherished hold a special power in them. a ceramic bowl made by some factory and a ceramic bowl made for you by someone you love are both completely different, and the second one has more power in it. a normal stone that a very powerful person kept in their pocket for years has a large amount of accumulated power. sentimental things even held by other people are filled with more joy/something

sentimental things previously held

seraphim in the bible means flying fiery serpent aka dragon
dragons were real

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