A Question about Transgenderism

All of the coverage of kids acting Transgendered is usually of boys acting like girls. But are there girls that embrace the male stereotypes? Back in the day,we'd just accept them as bulldykes and forgot about it. What makes for a Male Stereotype ?

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sex is not binary!
its a spectrum
oh you like to act in the socailly constructed manners of a socially constructed archetype
well its time for surgery!

There's more FtM transpeople than MtF, just like there's more lesbians than gays and like 40% of teenage girls identify as bisexual. Not to ignore the rest of your post, your premise for it is just wrong.

Transgenderism was created to subvert masculinity
FtM's exist so they can claim to be equal and fair but literally nobody cares

simple, when women who are as sure of themselves as the average male (it does happen) they do not depend on others views of them so much that they conform to stereotypes, that is why they end up tomboy. The troons go for the lesbian dykes and gaslight them into thinking they are troons so that they transitioin and their lesbian partners break up with their now (male) partners and potentially get with the mtf troons who consider themselves female.
taking out the competition to get to sweaty gay poonani.

Ignore the Jewish construct of gender, look only at the facts.

Wealthy middle aged men in positions of power are grooming young boys for sex.
That's what happened through all of history, that's still what's happening.

Why does it only happen to boys?
Fucking a boy removes rather than creates a competitor.
If a woman groomed a boy the boy would subjugate her and she would have to repeatedly abort the children.

"Trans" is just the new word for "cup bearer " or "pedestant".
A boy who's fucked by an older man.

I hate unironical Any Forumsacks, but taking the sexuality of literal children seriously is absolutely retarded.
Kids have absolutely no idea what sexuality even is at the start.
Adults who mutilate children for life should be prosecuted.

Women have a less aggressive sexuality than men, and engage a lot less in hardcore degenerate stuff.
Beside, they would gain male privilege.

These days tomboy has other meanings. It's the pipeline to FTM. Education, media, and internet ads are encouraging young girls to reject femininity, crossdress, and call themselves boys.

Pic related is one such groomer homework assignment.

Attached: image.png (354x500, 92.7K)

Oh shit, better remove my reddit spacing to fit in!
Fuck off faggot.

>no sources.
FtM barely exist.


Your source that you just linked to claims FtM population is currently equal to that of MtF. While it may disagree with my statement, it still argued against the premise of OP's post and contradicts your own statement.

Most "FtM" trannies are "MtFtM" and I'm not making it up. Literally 90% of the trans movement is perverted men trying to have sex with women and/or children.

You don't need to be on hormones to be a crossdresser.

Dude, what? Elaborate. How are biological women dressing and acting as men MtFtM? Wtf are you talking about?

They are men who 'transitioned' to female, then are pretending they actually are female and 'transitioning' back to male, to get a scrap of pussy from some lefty bitches. I've seen this happen several times on degenerate trannycord servers.

If your anecdotal evidence is permissible and so is mine. I only know two trans people personally, both FtM. They transitioned in high school, they didn't need surgery or hormones, they already dressed like men because they were tomboys. All they had to do was change their names and pronouns. They were never boys before this, they were girls.

Most female to male types are teen/young adults trying to prove how special they are. Some cut their tits off, most will go back to normal despite wasting the prime of their lives.

You can participate in the Olympics as trans without being on hormone therapy or receiving genital mutilation.


You commented that people currently being called trans do not require hormone therapy or mutilation. I used that as a chance to expand and bump. And that's why I just call them all crossdressers as that seems to be the only common denominator among these groups.