Ursula says conserve or else

“[Commenting in Germany energy conservation plans, Ursula said, that] …if consumers turned thermostats down by 2C it could significantly reduce gas use, replacing possible Nord Stream shortages”

Turn down your thermostat.
Don’t use air conditioning (power generation).
Spend less.
Eat bugs.
Support Ukraine.
Be a good goyem.

Ayyy lmao, can’t get enough of you eurocucks, how’s you still allow this shit?

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This is why they want smart thermostats and smart appliances and electric cars so they can override it. I work in energy management this shit is clearly in our future. Fuck these bug fuckers.

>how’s you still allow this shit?
It's summer, the consequences won't be felt for another 4-5 months. Not saying people will do anything then, because they won't, but that's how it is. They goyim have their bread and circus, they'll be content as long as they have that.

Didn't they try selling bugs before and it completely failed?

>ayyy lmao
Spoken like a true little green man.

It’s not only about heating, man, it’s all about cooling: some 20% EU average power generation mix comes from gas. That means electricity you use to power air conditioners too.

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I’ll take it a compliment, user

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You watch em try it yet again, I’m telling you

we vote to sell ursula to highest bidder
pls honorable dubai sheik, gib oil

displacement activities to keep peoples minds busy. I wish Russians a speedy, successful conclusion to their legitimate business in the Ukraine.

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>Privacy activists have argued that smart meters present opportunities for companies to collect detailed personal information such as the television they watch, the appliances they use, the websites they visit and their banking habits. These conspiracy theorists claim that smart meters are used as the ultimate spying tool, making the electrical grid and the utilities that run it the ultimate spies.


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>sheik gib oil
Now now, it’s a job for a Demented Joe, didn’t we agree on that? Never seizes to amaze me how it’s all “daaa valueeeez” virtue signalling up until the point it’s not a business deal with Russia. Wouldn’t surprise if EU went to Khmer Rouge for oil, be they still around, just not zeee Russkian

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Thank you, Hans, and while I have you here: how do Germans (including and especially normies) perceive Deutsche Welle programming, both domestic and international? From my perspective it seems awfully like RT, just with bigger production value.

>how’s you still allow this shit?
Green party 5th column that lobbied for closing down nuclear plants. Why any country gives those retards so much say in energy sector management is beyond me.
reminder that #1 use of russian gas bought by germans is combusted in turbine generators to produce electricity.

Don’t forget the mothballed coal plant getting back online, how they gonna sell that shit to greens come elections?

Who am I kidding, ofc they will sell it.

i think that the MENA OPEC members are giving demented joe the cold shoulder but the west could acquiesce to venezuelas demands in exchange for oil
either way fuck vdl and the brussels gang

No cheap Russian gas for you tho, user, cuz Perkov is too Harvard-y educated for snub EU sanctions, can only quietly comply. Talk about western education, amirite?

>air conditioners

Ursula Von Derleyen, Henry Kissinger and Klaus Schwab are german jews who detest Germany . They have a deep eternal hatred for the germans because of the lolocaust. They won't say it publicly but they wish to exterminate them in every possible way.

you VILL update the dishwasher firmware
you VILL buy a water closet that will post stats of your stool to facebook
you VILL fuck zee bugz

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Take cold showers and yell TAKE THAT PUTIN

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cold showers are unironically good for you

Yeah they used it to spy on our habits. Next step is to shut it down remotely. Remember that Klaus Schwab said China guides us ito the future.

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