Bros I want to die

Just watch this video and imagine living in an all-White world, not knowing about BLM or SJWs or the internet, no smartphones, just being able to exist and be happy. Do you think they knew how lucky they were? Will we ever get back to this level of carefreeness in Western societies?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They got to grow up without SJWs, BLM, internet, smartphones. To live in a society where cars and insurance and rent and saving for a home was all possible on one paycheck by a single hardworking White man.

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>Will we ever get back to this level of carefreeness in Western societies?
no. it's unironically over user.

I want to go back

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It's not like things were perfect back then. I mean bad shit has always been happening, it's just a lot easier to ignore when the economy is bombing.

It doesn't matter if you call them blacks, negros, or darkies... niggers are always doing the same shit. We crowd source the latest in nigger violence and misdeeds. We maintain the largest repository of videos and links on Telegram. Join us! (archive of all webm, mp4, info graphics, news links, etc.) (for discussion of the negro question and content submissions)

I want to leave this gem for you guys to enjoy

50 seconds in

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sorry user, it's never coming back. hopefully you're old enough that you have some memories form the 90's before everything started melting before our eyes. smartphones ruined humanity, and the demographic replacement/media control by kikes only compounded it. this earth is now hell, at least in the sense of having real human essence.

OP. You're in the perfect place to live this life. Find a couple of white cuties. Tell them your having an 80s party out at your cabin, deep in the Canadian wilderness. Your cabin most likely wont have internet or cell service. Bring an Atari 2600, some chloroform and chains, and you've achieved the dream.

I'm happy to answer any questions.

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zoomers live in such a cultureless nightmare that they listen to vaporware aesthetic videos with actual mall music from the 80's and feel "nostalgia" over it.

how do i volunteer for this?

You should, neck yourself mf
You got rich off others' suffering

Well sweaty it's more fun if you resist, but I like your go getter spirit

I grew up in the eighties, great time to be alive. Turned 18 in ‘91, peak society for fun was mid 90s. By 2000 or so things were just starting to head the other way leading up to where they are now. The internet started it, social media sped it up, and things like Obama, blm, occupy, etc brought us to where we are now. It’s a shame those growing up today have to do so in such a shit environment. It really was pretty awesome.

I miss being able to openly dress NS in the 80s/90s and absolutely no one gave a fuck. Good times.

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which one is you?

All the comments on the video about technology ruining the experience yet no one mentions how the malls & shopping centres are full of shitskins for years or greedy jews with blackrock esg scores lol

Meant for

Exactly what I am talking about, in 1985 no one would be gay enough to associate those letters with that. Also, by letting it infect your mind you are literally playing into the Jews hands so good job.


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Zoomers are fucked, I can't even imagine what the next generation will be like