Japan literally banned gay marriage. Your thought?

Japan literally banned gay marriage. Your thought?

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based nips

They need people to make babies

All according to plan

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They're still based despite being an American colony. That goes to show that it's not politics but the people who are at fault. The NWO running your country doesn't matter if you don't cooperate. It's both a whitepill and blackpill for the rest of the world.

you want a marriage in order to make a family, by making children. if you cant make children because you are with someone of the same sex, why do you want to have a marriage? to show off your degeneracy and try to normalize it? to adopt children and groom them on your degeneracy and helping them become a weirdo just as you are? im not a criminal but I cant think of a at least a few ways you could cheat the system by having a gay marriage. marriage is a sacred thing because its vital for society as a whole and for normal individuals, and japan knows about society and how individuals should behave very well.

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They really need to focus on getting them to start fucking each other and having babies


Probably a good idea when your birthrate have utterly catered and your society is rapidly aging


Yeah, seriously they can’t have dudes wasting their loads in each others assholes, they need to actually produce babies. I for one would be honored to volunteer my services in helping to increase Japanese birth rate…a hapa is better than nothing


I don't know how this is supposed to affect birthrates since gay people can still go the sperm donor route.

Also, banning same-sex marriage is not going to make gay people have heterosexual relationships. This will literally change nothing about Japan's birthrates.


It’s just sad that so many creepy sex tourists are obsessed with Japan. It’s slowly being destroyed and turned into a massive whorehouse by basic economic incentives.

You should be ashamed of yourself, porn addicted scum.


>All according to keikaku

who cares they are still gooks

japanese are proud of their traditions. It is a highyl islamophobic nation. Japan won't allow christianity either.

A nation that remains true to its roots can fight globohomo

Came here to say this.

based shinto, death to christcucks

What primary religion is Japan?
I know the Jesuit’s made them convert in order to trade with them way back when.

Her feet are too big for being a Japanese qt
What a shame

They never got Denazified like germany. All their old guard kept their positions in politics.

>Japan won't allow christianity either.
They might not be Christian but their depictions and views on it are rather positive.

WTF, everyone love big girl feet. more skin!!!

So many closeted faggots in this thread. Just get the hormone blockers already.


I wish the nips the best, but they need to get their heads out of their own asses and start reproducing. If they don't some commie politician will import foreigners which will destroy Nihon and turn it into a shithole.

Japan didn’t “ban” gay marriage. Gay marriage is simply a fiction and doesn’t exist in most cultures. Liberal imperialists however use a very particular legalistic language so that gay marriage seems neutral. Countries are expected to “legalize” it even though it’s not even considered a real phenomenon outside the West and a select few other countries.

It is honestly funny to me seeing all these based and redpilled people act like niggers do towards white people whenever japan gets brought up.

They also banned prostitution, still happening anyways

If Japan had gun rights, i would move

they publicly shame fat people
they make fun of women for talking to much
no faggot shit

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Why aren't they fucking though? Just cum in the pussy. It's not that hard. It's like they're god dam human pandas. They're so peaceful and tranquil and nice. We all want them to reproduce and be a gift to the world. BUT THEY REFUSE TO FUCK.


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Girls are supposed to have small and cute dainty feet

>What primary religion is Japan?
They're primarily irreligious, but the largest religion they have is Buddhism (about 1/3 claim to be some degree of Buddhist). There's still some Shintos running around, but it's less than 1/10 of the population.

Reminder that there is not a single link ITT.

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I'm pretty sure that men with HIV cannot donate sperm.

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Why don't you tell us the israeli policy, jew?

Move to an remote insland full of antisocial mongloids that thinks youre stinky just because you use perfume

Any marriage that includes an Asian male is by definition, gay.

>Japanese feet

Oh fuck I’m gonna uh I’m gonna


Nigger have you ever played a JRPG?