Russia deserves all it gets for Holodomor

Remember, the Russians murdered 5 million Ukrainian people in the holodomor genocide. How do they think Ukrainian people could EVER view them as a brotherly nation or even as the same people?
Russia should've gotten the treatment Germany got after WW2 for the holodomor genocide.

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It was jews, the same people sending Ukrainians and Russians to their deaths today

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Jews did holodomor

holocaust is a myth

jews ran the soviet union

jews run america

>don't forget the 5 million goy

It was the Jews retard, not Russians, they killed Russians too
So I agree, kill all Jews
inb4 flag

Why you keep blaming this on the russians when you know ((who)) did it?

They weren't starved , they just got typhus.
And their houses had wooden doors. They could have kicked them open and gone out for food at any time.

>communist jews are russian
Holy fuck you people are dumb

90% of bolsheviks ruling class were Jews. Anti-semitism was punishable by death.
They massacred up to 60 million white Christians not only in Ukraine but rest of the Russia as well.

Attached: Stalin and Kaganovich seen together wearing jewish attire, a tallit and a kippah.jpg (502x329, 103.42K)

Nice fake attempt to tie one alleged genocide to another. The holocaust was clearly faked for some of the reasons you gave. Ukrainians did not have an option to go out for food because Russians SEIZED all the food that Ukrainians would grow. The Russians are incapable of even basic farming, they always existed by feeding off stealing food from others.

don't forget the 60 gorillion

>Only answering to the joke reply and not the fact the holodomor was perpetuated by Jews
Pathetic and transparent why are glowniggers so incompetent

russians are just an extension of soulless commie chinksects

Daily reminder that it was a generalized famine in USSR and tht millions of Russian died as result

ok, shlomo

Holodomor was managed by Jews and unironically Ukies. Fun fact: some time ago Ukies had a PM who was direct descendant of top holodomor initiator. And this bitch with Jewish surname cried on TV how Russians are bad because of holodomor.

>Remember the Jews

Fix'd. Bolsheviks were Jews

fake shit made up so western jews can scream COMMIES BAD

while Ukrainians lost a mere 5 million, Russia lost 20. If anything, ukrainians and us aren't even and they owe us half a million or two more.

Pretty sure there were more ukrainians in Party CK than Russians. Reparations plz.

Soviets were evil. Jews always are. It's why zelensky provoked this war with the tribesmen in the us government

>yes goyim i just listen to jews i'm not one myself

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it was more insidious. Soviet Union was sanctioned to shit, the only goods we were allowed to export were raw resources like wheat. So Stalin stole peasants' wheat to sell it to Germany and other European countries. He stole all peasants' wheat, but Ukrainians were more civilized so 1 dead Ukrainian was like 1.5 dead Russians. Plus Ukraine was generally more of an agricultural stronghold, so by destroying it in NKVD reprisals (people get mad over food - mad people get arrested and charged with being unhappy) he sapped his competitors' power base, who were stronger in agricultural regions and in Ukraine.

Because it's a jew post

Stalin have annihilated almost every Jew in the upper echelons of USSR. No manager of anything ever - be it a laboratory or a factory or even a school group - was Jewish after 1938.

Stalin has replaced all Jews with Georgians and Baltic people. Lenin's supporters and closest friends were Jewish, Stalin felt jealous so he killed all jews. Based?

You mean Hoholdmor?

Attached: vatlos.jpg (800x450, 34.93K)

american education at its finest

Lenin himself was a jew

Ah yes, those jewish nazis RT warned me about.

>mutt jumps to defend judeobolchevism