Nostalgic Nigger Bread


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Someone post some johnny rebel songs

An oldie from the Soviet Union.

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Here's our stalinists depicting anglos

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This one is actually still up in my local bar.

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i have some

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>Master the Self

>Don't Bait the Self.

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Coon Chicken Inn

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Why the fuck would you buy nigger products? Southerners liked their slaves too much, northerners wanted to deport them all but those faggots loved their fucking niggers.

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I find it sad and pathetic white people wasted their talented illustrators skill on this racist crap instead of inventing anime several decades ahead of Japan. You can't tell me the only people who gave a shit about cartoons was Disney while everyone else was painting negroes.

The theme for this movie goes fuckin hard.

this is a thread specifically about that kind of art. obviously not everyone was painting niggers.

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Knee grows

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Happy Valentine Day!

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Nigger Bible

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The proof is that such an industry doesn't exist in America BECAUSE they were too focused on nigger dick and war propaganda if it wasn't Superman and Mickey Mouse.

Legit seems wholesome