Cluster B disorders. Evil rules the world

So most people aren't really aware that certain personality disorders exist that you can pretty much be assured that if the person has it, they're going to be a massive piece of self interested, machevillian piece of shit. These personality disorders are called "Cluster B".
These Cluster B disorders are
Borderline Personality Disorder - No sense of self, terrified of abandonment, massive daddy issues. Tend to be extremely clingy, then when they grow bored of the target, turn into a vindictive psychopath against that person and try destroy them. often called the "Mosiac Cluster B" disorder because BPDs generally also have strong outward traits of all Cluster B disorders.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - Basically, every piece of shit moronic violent criminal trash you see with no self control. Will king hit you for no reason while you pass them on the street.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Self interested, believe the world is out to get them, massive sense of entitlement, pathological liars, always want to be the center of attention to unreasonable levels, little to no empathy for others.
Histrionic personality disorder - Dumb bimbo bitch the disorder. Usually focus a lot on self image, very sexual, seductive, very suggestible, very sexually risky, always acting in ridiculous dramatic ways.
Now the thing is, our society, is a dog eat dog world, and, rewards those who are willing to crawl over others for self gain/lack empathy and are overtly narcissistic. This is backed up by studies
The reason we live in a fucked world is because we're ruled by those who suffer from sick, evil personality types and they make the world into a image that reflects themselves.

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Jews are bad,mmkay

If you're dating in 2022 as a man all that there is is clusters out there.

They're usually hot at least. But it's nowhere worth it. Not even worth the sex. Run. Run away.

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The worst cases are easy to diagnose and the mental illness is well known, but jews and other trash infiltrated everything so they memoryholed, obfuscated, ignored, ... the whole thing.
Criminology has a lot of material about those people.

Yes, jews are terrible.

Lets just look at one of these disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD.
>BPD scores correlated with the degree of abusiveness reported by partners.
>batterers with high-levels of violence were most distinguished by borderline personality characteristics.
>association between BPD and property violence.
>Both simple and aggravated assault were (statistically) significantly correlated with measures of BPD.
>BPD was found to be related to charges for 27 criminal behaviors (not necessarily convictions) as defined by the cataloguing system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
>An eight-year study found that patients (at a forensic facility) with BPD disorder had the highest frequency of assaultive behavior.
>Study of serial-killers - concluded that serial killers represent a subtype of BPD.
And that's just >one< of the Cluster B disorders, there are 3 others and each are pretty much as bad in their own way.
If someone is diagnosed with a Cluster B disorder. There is pretty much like a 90% chance they're going to be a psychopathic, unstable piece of shit who will knife you in the back for even the smallest self gain. Every interaction I've had with Cluster B's over the years (worked in medical walk in center) has reminded me of the Frog and Scorpion story. These people will literally fuck you over, if they think they can get self gain from it, even while in the long run, their actions will most likely come back to bite them in the ass. They literally cannot help themselves.

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They're social chemelons as well. They will take on a lot of aspects of your own personality, your interests etc while engaging in extremely "reckless" sex (you get to roleplay all your crazies hentai fantasies) to hook you in. Once you're in their grasp then the trap springs and all their insane control freak, emptying your wallet, selfish self interest etc begins. By the end, you'll be in a complete daze wondering what the fuck is happening while the Cluster B cunt tries to call you a rapist or whatever on Social media to everyone you know.


bump frank herbert was right
women are abusing their role in society

Straight up manifestations of lucifer run the world.
Cluster Bs are nothing, man.

What if psychos are normal humans and 'normal people' are a byproduct of civilization? But I cannot disagree with you that most people today are self interested pieces of shit and you cannot have a functional collective with them.

Neoliberalism is pretty much NPD the social system. Everyone has to be a super special snowflake individual and presenting identity characteristics are everything in the system which sees everything, especially the individual as a consumer brand who's entire life should revolve around consumption and marketing.
Since in the collective, people can find meaning in other ways not linked to consumptrion/marketization such as meaningful relationships, religion, solidarity, community. Neoliberalism seeks to destroy these collective spaces.
The only collective allowed in Neoliberalism is market and consumerable fetishism. You're a "marvel fan" or a "Star Wars fan" or a "Warhammer fan" a "community" based entirely around consumption and signalling how much you consume.

Dated a girl with BPD, even on meds it was the weirdest most stressful 5 months of my life.
Before we broke up I was picking up extra shifts with the job I hate because I'd rather work than hang out with her.

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People that run the world have that psychotic lizard brain. And then try to tell us aspergers/autists, aka the brain with massive activity and potential are the problem.

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Had a fling with my neighbour lasting >1 yr and when we'd fight she'd "lock herself out" and needed my help. When I moved out she started texting my dad after I blocked her. They're my favourites

#NotAllJews #Only99%

did you get the 100 missed calls a day and accusations of cheating because you didn't pick up every single one?

Since I was a teenager I've learned to despise people who identify themselves by the shit they consume, and since then I've not done that in myself. Before I couldn't understand why people would get so upset when I criticized something they happened to like, since I mock the shit I like constantly. I never attached my self-worth to the products I bought, the music I listened to, or the movies I watched. However practically everyone else seems to. I inadvertently immunized myself against this brain-rotting mind fuckery. Also while I was a teenager I decided to stop wearing clothing with branding on it, I did not want to be a walking billboard for a company if I wasn't being paid.

Is everyone women BPD? if so, is it just an excuse to get away with being a complete piece of shit self absorbed human parasite who takes no responsibility for their actions("oh hehe I have BPD sorry I cheated on you with like 5 guys and am a manipulative hunk of shit but that's just me""""? When I look back at my exes, I wonder. It's not like they aren't aware of what they're doing


My dad is diagnosed with borderline.
I had a horrible childhood with him, mom was nice enough to divorce him when I was young and fucking run from him, met a good guy who I consider my actual dad.

Re-met my dad in my teens to early adult-hood but regret it immensely in retrospect.
He tried to rape my wife, and when we moved and cut all contact he told my friends/family that I was a pedophile and that we robbed him.
The only winning move I found was to not play. 0 contact, 0 attempt to defend myself to family/friends about what he tells people, etc.
Come to find recently that he died from liver failure and nobody attended his funeral.

I hate people with BPD with such a burning passion and am always met with the same "not all of us", "I'M not bad", "nothing is ever my fault." attitude that they're essentially burn-on-notice for me. If I see cluster B in the wild, I will outright refuse to share a non-camera fed space with them.
Horrible fucking people. Absolutely fucking horrible.

anytime a woman is involved with one of the illness OP mentioned this is the case. they use it as a cover to be malicious psychopaths and vapid whores

It's an hijack of the collective feeling most people are subjected to. Before this feeling was directed to community etc. as you said but today it has been hijacked by enterprises.

They're all asshole clones and should be expunged from your life entirely. You are right. They will grab onto ANYTHING, try to control it and obsess over it if they can't.

Yes. Precisely.

There is also "Bipolar depression" which is basically just the same thing.

The symptoms of these "diseases" are just feminine personality traits.

I think it’s the other way around. In hunter gatherer societies, most of these assholes would have been hit with a rock and left for the tigers. They need the anonymity, alienation and mobility of modern industrial society.

Dark triads and dark tetrads rule the world. Narcissism, psychopath, machiavellianism. Tetrad adds sadism.

Although I'm a schizotypal with NPD traits, I can see a lot of malice and brutality coming out of cluster A and C as well. PArticularly anything OCD.

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No, they work by controlling others. They would get rid of anyone ruling via strength or honor, introduce something more "democratic", then frame you as the bad guy for not going along and you'd be getting hit in the head with a rock.

I got the jealousy anxiety attacks if so much as a female waitress locked eyes with me.

She would text me throughout the day and get angry at me if I didn't respond within 5 minutes even though I'm at work, that happened a lot.

There's a small modern example I thought was interesting. In the early days of WoW you were stuck with one name and on one server with one character. This would make people behave better in groups because they weren't as anonymous. The "toxicity" increased when Blizzard introduced paid name and race changes and server transfers. Then when they started merging servers together into clusters for battlegrounds/raids/dungeons the toxicity trend increased.

The correlation between all these factors became more and more obvious over time.

yeah, i'm sure the drug-addicted, alcoholic degenerate has-been hollywood actor would never hurt a fly...depp? he a good boy, he dindu nuffin

Ancient groups like that had a TON of social rules and conventions to prevent that very occurrence, and they worked pretty well. And if things got bad enough, you and your family could always just leave and settle another valley. It’s when you get to early agrarian societies that some jerk always declares himself a god-king and decides you don’t deserve to eat.

What was she like with her parents?

Great line about this in the Nightengale
"What do you do about bad people"
"People with bad spirits, we explain to them what they did was wrong"
"What if they continue being bad?"
"The elders will take them aside, mentor them"
"and what if they continue having bad spirit past that?"
"We are forced to kill them"

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How do you test a girl for cluster B before coitus interruptus?

Cluster B personality disorders, also known as feminism.

There's an old saying.
>some people just need killing
Psychos will claim that's hypocritical of non-psychos, but we should not suffer a rabid dog to live. It will terrorize people until it is inevitably put down anyway.

Just read about it, the signs are obvious when you know what to look for.

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>drug-addicted, alcoholic degenerate has-been hollywood actor
You just described Heard. Reminder that this drunk lesbian gold digger beat her ex-girlfriend.

1000% true, some people just cannot exist in or near other people because their brains are fucked and they will, eventually, harm innocents
even if it's "not their fault" it's like having a bunch of wild tigers roaming the streets of course they're going to kill and eat people that's what they do
all people once identified with cluster b should be euthanised and all criminals above a certain level of violence/repeat offenses should also be killed for the good of humanity
at the very LEAST they should ALL be sterilized

Yep. No disagreement there. Agriculture is what fucked us.