Oldfags, zoomer here, were things always this shit? Every year just feels shittier than the last...

Oldfags, zoomer here, were things always this shit? Every year just feels shittier than the last, is this just the way the world is going or is that just aging?

A brief autobiography:
>turn 1
>9/11 happens
>turn 8
>economy collapses
>turn 16
>culture war
>turn 20
>turn 22
>economy collapses again

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So it's all your fault. I'm gonna fuckin find you boah

No, it's never been this bad. Actually the Trump years were good and we seemed to be recovering. Now it's just unmitigated bleak disaster and destruction. I'm an old fag and I tell you, I've never seen the nation in as ruined a state as it is at this time. Naturally the 70s, 80s, and 90s seem dreamlike in comparison.

I apologise, I had to celebrate somehow. Wait until you see my gender reveal celebration.

How were the 2000s? I remember them but I was a kid and didn't really think much about the global happenings.

Things were always wrong to some extent, but there was a sense that we were making progress throughout the 80s and 90s. Columbine in '99 and the 2000 Bush/Gore election seemed to be a turning point. After that it was one disaster or crazy happening after another, and everything started to feel fake and gay.

hey zoomer, this is actually the 41st century, jesus already arrived twice and now we're all in hell

Once Obama took office things went exponential. Woke shit was growing from late 90s but 2006-2008 it just went in to overdrive. I still find myself shocked how bad things got and how fast it happened. I'm genuinely fearful of the future. We have no one on our side to help us. The right wing spends most of its time attacking itself and it's absolutely full of grifters and scum hiding in plain sight. Conservatives are the worst people alive, even worse than shitlibs. If you allow evil to prosperity you're the real evil is my belief. I dunno, user, I'm fresh out of hope.

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this is actually the year 4022 ad

the world already ended in 2012 after jesus died again

I remember, we played football all day long after school, entire classes. Not just few friends. We made teams of 10 against 10 or more. Nowadays whenever I ride next to football fields, they're empty with green patchless grass. We only had gameboys and once the batteries were out you couldn't play vidya outside.

We had normal TV, Dragonball and Dragonball Z came at certain times, you missed episodes. My teacher made me have to write something 100 times as punishement for something, she wasn't aware of copy and paste on word, so I brought a printed out sheet with these 100 sentences the next day.

There was only one PC in our living room, you had to sneak watch and fap to porn. Finding out about hentai was such a thrill.

icecream used to be 50 Cents, now it's atleast 1,60€. Döner was 3€, now it's 6,50€.

You clearly live in another world. There has not been an economic collapse at your ripe age of 8.
The gov took 1.24 trillion dollars from the Pentagon budget and announced it as LOST the day before 9/11. Talk about that in your timeline.

Many ppl me included, realized quite early that 9/11 was a false flag operation to justify war against Iran, to secure Oil and the petrodollar. But only later made connections it's serving jewish interests, as oposed seeing the USA as master and not the goyim

Oldfag here. Things were not nearly this bad back in the 90s. The downtrend was happening with dual incomes and latchkey kids being the new norm. But things were still affordable generally speaking.
People didn't seem as miserable. When I go out now, sometimes I shift attention to the strangers around me. Back, then, everyone seemed at least content. Nowadays, it seems everyone is depressed, miserable and just going through the motions of the grind.

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I watched 3/5 businesses in my town shutter forever in 2008. In 2009 WalMart, Home Depot, Lowes, Dunkin Donuts, and Tractor Supply moved in to some huge lots on the outskirts of town and destroyed every small business left. You're right their was no economic collapse, just a collapse of society at its atomic foundations.

Have to take Fe. To realise everything is bullshit

Basically the concentration of lead/mercury poisoning in ppl's bodies is causing everyone to be unhappy/have anxiety, so culture stems from this and then geopolitics because your leaders are easy to control if they have 50 different health problems that they think is from some other reason. People think politics affects them emotionally, but the truth is 10% of ppl really gave a shit a generation or two ago.

i was a teenager in nyc when 9/11 happened.

it's like it changed the entire city overnight. it's unreal thinking back just how fucked it all got, and how quickly.

pre-2001, no NYC I ever lived in would have tolerated subway police and cops with fucking ARs walking in public. we had fixed the homeless and had relegated the fags to a single little corner of downtown.

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>My teacher made me have to write something 100 times as punishement for something, she wasn't aware of copy and paste on word, so I brought a printed out sheet with these 100 sentences the next day.
Kek, my teacher was wise to that shit. Hand written only. I used carbon paper and only had to do 1 full page out of 10. Very thin paper and a heavy hand. She never checked them anyway. Always crumpled it up in front of me, I guess out of spite because I was a little asshole as a kid.

>How were the 2000s
Shit, but not quite as shit. Worst part of being underage in the 2000s is that we missed several ez money opportunities via the increased internet accessibility (youtube, etc) and the post crash housing market.

At least you were part of the collective traumatic experience that was 9/11.

I was in 6th grade, and all day, in every class, we watched the news and panicked

typed something about that I'm baffled that rap trash is still such popular music and all but it got flagged as spam, tried to 'reformat' for 10 minutes and still couldn't post. But in hindsight, this is also something related to this thread, because the old internet wouldn't do such fuckery

The internet ruined everything, I'll be the first to say it. Namely smartphones, once every other normalfag had access to the internet it was over, internet usage was still "nerdy" and kinda niche mostly used by gamers until like 2010 once Facebook blew up and myspace was old news. I'd say actually once Facebook became popular is when it all went downhill

Gen-X Live was even shittier.in early 2000s. World have never been good like today