What the fuck is this life man

I try be healthy as fuck, but I still get health issues.

I try to lift and be aesthetic, but I still look like garbage despite lifting for years.

I try to get wealthy, but I end up even poorer than I began.

Dont even get me started on women.

It makes me very blackpilled.

Negative experience after negative experience, do some people just have a life like this? I cant even imagine a life where positive stuff happens.

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What's your bodyfat %? Lifting won't give you a good physique.

If you going to an hero, do us a favour and suicide by copafter taking out many Polly's

What's the last book you read?

This is why trying too hard isn't a good thing to do.
The world as we know will end soon anyway, so, just do whatever you want.

Yeah I know being low bodyfat is all that matters especially if youre natty, but that doesn't even really help.

I look skinny when I cut down shirtless, but when im bulked I look jacked in clothes, but fat when shirtless. Literally cant win.

you're not going to lose all your muscle when you cut. have you ever actually done this since bulking?

Nah you are wrong. If you lift you wont look skinny even after a cut. You need to buy shirts that fit you after you cut to

Grass isnt the greener on the other side. This is life. Life sucks for everyone. Don't let others fool you.

Sounds like you're an angry homo whose obsessed with how he looks. Like how women are. Happy juneteenth.

Try eating more natural foods less processed foods if the ingredients list has a bunch of stuff you don’t understand don’t eat it

Try eating less carbs try like salads and meats

Try keto

Try fasting it helps reset a lot of things in your body to get it functioning as it should it can even cure a lot of things once you can get to doing long Biblical ones there is a initial period you would have to get over if you never done it before like headaches and stuff but if you can exercise through it and it would help get over it more smoothly or not experience it at all this period is also known as the keto flu after this the fast should go smoother and easier

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When I was 32 to 38 I tried to work and have any opportunity to find a girl and maybe leave my parents house. Now I'm 40. My birthday is coming up. Just enjoy the days man. I worked in a rehab center with many former drug addicts who were man babies who bragged about everything. At some point nothing matters. I'm still looking for a new job after I quit my last job 3 years ago.

Can i recommend gratitude as a way to turn the universe in your favor? Be grateful for the tiniest things eg the air you breathe. If you write a list every day of 5 things you are grateful for..... The universe will give you everything.

I made 15 dollars since you made this thread just laying here

You sound like a fag

You just need to ride your bike and spend time with your nieces and nephews

He's right.

It's called having shit genes.

Why do you think women would cheat with Chad while getting betabux from her husband?

Because having good genes is superior to being a hard worker in every single way.

I also like to add that some people go out of their way to be healthy, to fast and excersize, while some people who have shit lifestyles outlive them, why?

Shit genes vs good genes.

You won't look aesthetic unless you blast test for 12 weeks. And by then, you'll have fucked your natural hormone production. If what you really want is to look aesthetic as fuck then do it, just know what youre getting into. Also, women truly don't give a fuck about buff guys. You just have to not look like a fucking slob and anyone can get a woman. Youre either a manlet with bad luck or youre overcompensating with women and they can smell your desperation.

You're supposed to be comparing yourself to your neighbor, not the absolute peak performers. Your standards for greatness are only as good as the people surrounding you. Get off the internet and get a life.

>do some people just have a life like this?
Yeah mate. That's the story of my life. Some of us are just unlucky. You have to mentally let things go and just enjoy the small stuff. I'm never gonna be buff but I can at least go for a nice hike for example. I'm never gonna be rich but being poor has forced me to learn to cook pretty good. Little victories.

tao moment

This is true except thank God instead of "the universe"

Ur dopamine addicted postmodern filth bro. And ur genes are probably meh tier too. If ur not alpha genes u have to literally kill urself daily in the gym and work like a mad dog to save anything. Life isn't fair but it's the reason the average person is trash.

This is hell ausie boy, Dont go to the light at the end thats how (they) whipe your mind and reincarnate you in this Hell planet.

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