It's all gotten so bad so fast

It's all gotten so bad so fast.

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pic related happened

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we stopped killing those who should have been killed. imagine allowing the virus to continue eating your body when you could have killed it long time ago

It's cyclical. The world has been much worse off. America too.

Accelerationism caught all the mental energy

I thought you guys wanted to accelerate.
Well there you go.

Peoples memories don't last that long. People hate the government so they vote in a new government and then after four years they hate that government and vote in the first government again and are happy when they win and it's all the same politicians that fucked up the first time

Because you did nothing about it. Join the cause to halt (((their))) advance, user.

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They wanted to accelerate too.
It's like the midgame of chess, where the pieces are all setup to be traded and thus clears the board for endgame. They thought they'd be better positioned I guess.

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Unironic communist subversion. Why do you think China's version of Tiktok, ByteDance, has completely banned all this leftist degeneracy? Why do you think they have algorithms designed to radicalize normies into leftist idocy? It's because they're going for the killing blow.

It was slow at first in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. They just had a couple of celebs and a handful of professors. Then the lunacy progressed. It took over universities in their entirety by the time of our cultural revolution in the 60s. Rolling Stones and Beatles were hosting fundraising events in favor of a literal communist terrorist named Angela Davis, pic related. They played their hand and subverted the counterculture movements of their era into leftist horseshit. The actual counterculturalists, like Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols, are all populists who don't owe allegiance to the international left.

The 70s were a huge setback for them. They thought they won by destroying Nixon with Watergate, but Carter proved so immensely disastrous for their cause that it set them back. Reagan wasn't all that great, but he saved the floundering right wing. They see that they have another Carter on their hands in the White House and are going for broke. If they don't finish off the rightwing globally, the populist rightwing backlash will be disastrous for the GloboHomo agenda.

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The grand illusion is failing, more people are seeing the tricks and the illusionists are getting pissed and not even trying to hide their plan, just forcing it expecting the audience to just go with it

Then at least my last thoughts will be an orgasmic levels of



Some zoomers are based

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who knew that stealing the Presidential election could cause a country to go down.
welcome to the other banana republics ran by the usual who take over the power of the country.
to see how fast they can go, go read up on the history of one were this happened.

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Took your eyes off the prize once trump was elected. You got comfy watching the meme man as president


This but unironically. Kikes realize that all WW2 vets will be dead soon and no one will remember the Nazis anymore, so they want to pozz society as much as possible while they still can.



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American wwii vets deserve a bitter end. Fucking trash. Vietnam vets are based.

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