If you built this without a permit you better pack your shit I'm calling the police...

If you built this without a permit you better pack your shit I'm calling the police, if your trees are hanging over onto my property I'll call the police.
I can't stand you millennials, handed everything in life and think you can 'Do It Yourself' using YouTube videos, maybe the video you should be searching for is 'Manners for Dummies'
Sound ordinance started at 10 PM next time I won't be this nice.

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I'll shoot your dog.

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Fuck you gay robot

>mmm, leather


I'm real

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They police should shoot people calling about retarded laws unrelated to someone committing a malicious act upon another

Jokes on you grandpa, sub 180 sf, not a permanant structure (no foundation) and within a privacy fence (already approved property line setback) means no permit required. Waste the county code enforcement's time and they will fuck with you instead of your neighbor. I do agree however that that shitbox is built like garbage.

>t. master carpenter

it's called anarchotyranny.
They leave the niggers and crazy drug addicts alone while they attack college students downtown but god help you if the bylaw police catch wind of you living on your own land without having wired fire alarms

no permit required for 10x12 with no permanent foundation in my hood

>Apple user

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i get so much pussy in that shed

A real nigger


K. I'll just shoot you faggot. It's that kind of neighborhood.

This is the one thing I really can't stand about the Boomer generation. They are all so fucking salty right now. They had it all in their hayday. Everything was literally handed to them.

Now, they refuse to give up the jewels and they're so damn angry that any post-generations to theirs, despite adversity caused by their fucking up everything, are actually doing fairly well thanks to things like the Internet. Of which they can't fathom or seem to understand besides "Oh the Youtubes".

Such self absorbed old fucks.

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kill yourself HOA boomer i hope your neighbors blast the shittiest rap music possible

we don't have building permits where i live. also, why would you put an attached building that they can tax?

What tyrannical shithole do you live in where non permanent structures require a permit?

I'll give you the trees though, if that shit goes over my property line I'm sawing it off and you can have a wierd looking lopsided tree.

there are actually a few other restrictions as well. Cannot have power run to it, cannot be taller than the ridgeline of your main building (usually not a big deal but it does occasionally happen here with older ramblers) and has to be inside of your property line by i think 5' minimum on all sides. I'll have to get my code book out to check for my area.

GenXer here. I built a house in the Rockies without a permit. Go fuck yourself, boomer.

You have to be 25 to post here. You also call code enforcement, not the police, you dumb God damn nigger

whats your address

this. any place that requires a loicence isn't worth living in.

i know youre dicking around, but some dude in our neighborhood built a storage shed in his backyard on a concrete foundation, and didn't get any permitting for it. had he got the permitting, he would have known that you cant build a shed that has a roof that dumps a shitload of rainwater into your neighbor's backyard every time a storm goes through. lol would have saved him some money had he done it the right way

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>code enforcement

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why wouldn't you collect rainwater into barrels? do you like paying the water jew?

Don't forget to rape his wife and daughter. If they're ugly, too bad; cause this prick just made an enemy. Afterwards, burn his down and wait by the water hose with a machete.

>he lives in a cuck state that requires permits for garden sheds.

not all codes are useless, mind you. GFCI's in kitchens/bathrooms, ventilation reqs, building material fire ratings, shear reqs, snow loads, all of them are very important to making sure you don't build a coffin while building your home. The zoning and style based codes are literal garbage however.

Ya but only for work
>one Mexican moves nearby
>same baseline all day long

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i live on a boat. no codes. fuck you.

That's what it's like where I live. I can saw upward from my property line


I never said I didn't follow any codes (but I didn't follow them all) I said I didn't get a permit.