Any Forums is an echo-chamber

Ive been browsing pol for the last 4 weeks and im convinced the people that browse/post here dont live reality. They come here to circle jerk around fake news and make up rumors. I honestly cant figure out if its ironic or not. For example if i only browsed pol and didn't go outside i would probably think that Justin Trudeau is unanimously hated in Canada. Which couldn't be further from the truth. Even in my home town of Calgary people seem to have either no opinion of him or are happy with his performance. I dont get it, is pol ironically joking around or are they actually serious about what they say?

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your brain is an echochamber, shitcunt, I think we need to make an opening in it.

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Fake news like what?


How come we don’t agree on anything than?

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Look at how viscerally they react when the nest is disturbed. Like hissing rats in a corner.

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/OP/ is a nigger

I wish I had a dad

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OP is correct, but Any Forums doesn't care, because it is a pile of shit. This place is a circle jerk.

>I come here to watch the trash fire burn.

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>1 post by this ID
no it's not, we just agree on many things, but you've always been free to shit up with board with hot leftoid takes from Twitter

Dogecoin is mooning right now. It is up to 8 cents. Everybody goooo!

>Any Forums is an echo-chamber
Here is your echo chamber, leaf, now get chinned irl.

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When you spend enough time here you'll come to learn the people here are just autistic shut ins. Or schizos. Either way they're retarded psychopaths. Nothing here should be taken seriously. They're wrong about everything. Everything they post and believe in is wrong. The average IQ here is about 70. Also pic related is what drives a lot of the obsessions with homosexuals

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it is a politics board, so it stands to reason that the people here would have stronger opinions of politicians than the average calgarian you speak of

Why doesn't that gas chamber have the standard wooden door with screen?

If Any Forums users were the jannies instead of Air Force chuds from Eglin this board would look totally different and might become an echo chamber as useless lefty shilling would be banned.

>Australian posts something about the U.S.A. to a Canadian

This is really retarded

nice gas chamber, Leaf, is that from Auschwitz?

>Any Forums is an echochamber
Any Forums:

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>American thinks New Zealand is Australia and everyone else is retarded

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an echo chamber just flew over my house

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It’s not an echo chamber because we don’t ban people with ideas that don’t agree with ours

Trudeau's mother was a free-wheeling party whore.

It's a cool place for straight white men.

The brainwashing to bring us down to the same level as dark people is exposed on an hourly basis here.

If your not white then go somewhere else, it doesn't matter what you think. If you are white, try to become more intelligent and get more out of this site.

> Even in my home town of Calgary people seem to have either no opinion of him or are happy with his performance.
>>Any Forums is an echochamber

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>It's a cool place for straight white men.
LMAO newfag

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I am a leftist and I bet you are far more detached from reality than the average/pol/fag.

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>Ive been living in Calgary for the last 4 years and im convinced the people that live here dont live reality. They come here to circle jerk around fake news and make up rumors. I honestly cant figure out if its ironic or not. For example if i only looked at Canadian media and didn't go outside i would probably think that Justin Trudeau is doing a great job. Which couldn't be further from the truth. Even in my home town of Cukoise people seem to love him and think Trump is literally Hitler. I dont get it, is Canada ironically completely propagandized or are they actually ironic about what they say?

OP lives in an echo chamber and is projecting.

>Metal doors on a gas chamber

>pathetic herd animals are absolutely terrified of Covid and government overreacting (ineffectively at that) instantly raises approval tens of percent

You mean the same Trudeau that send every single weapon on the Canadian arsenal to Ukrainian Neo-Nazis?

Canada will be Blacker than Trudeau's wildest Wet Dreams once he's done cleansing it if Whites!

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No one cares what you think FAGGOT

Shut up projecting faggot . Back to olenbit with you.

Trudeau can't walk outside without getting shit on. You think the honkening was an accident. I wish people were more violent because all these "insurrections" would result in you fucking dead

>people seem to have either no opinion of him or are happy with his performance.
You're lying.

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he said the only way he could get pussy was to paint his body with greasy Black Shoe Polish!

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