What could be done to end American gun violence?


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"Gun rights" (which don't even exist since the 2A is only for state militias) where written for smoothbore muskets. If the founding fathers saw the killing machines that are easily available across America they'd be following David Hogg and other heroes trying to end these shootings.

ban registered democrats or those who live in Biden voting districts from owning firearms. Boom, I just solved gun violence

for starters, people without guns could start pissing people off who have them

It's simple. We kill the 2nd Amendment.

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and we kill you

>patriot act

same shit wont happen hopefully.

You can't kill an idea, hamster tits.

Stop pushing degenerate shit in schools and put the kibosh on the MKUltra faggots in the alphabet agencies. Recognize talent and give the bored kids something to do. Ever notice how the uptick in shootings coincides with the uptick in social bullshit and feds always seem to be somehow connected to the shooter?
You are a smoothbrain, but that's to be expected from a leaf. 2A is interpreted as "In order to have a functional militia, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed". Because what's the point in writing in the militia to act as a check and balance against the government if the militia is restricted to 18th firearms?

18th century firearms*

Fix other stuff. Maybe make prisons less of a school experience. Oops, I spoonerized.

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Genetic engineering.

death sentence for anyone involved in drugs

...end? We're a little shy actually

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I would not want to.

ban all assault niggers

The Puckle gun was in use when the second amendment was written. The American navy was largely made up of privateers with gunboats. The people were expected to be armed with the same equipment as the military. The founding fathers were well aware of the developments in the world of firearms and made it very clear as to what the average man by rights has access to. 4/10 bait, made me reply.

Educate yourself, ESL leafnigger.
The phrasing in the second amendment is broken up intentionally to make it hard for the government to limit citizens access to firearms.

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Post the full video you spic-nigger

You won't do shit except whine impotently.