Is progressivism a religion?

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does he believe that men can be pregnant?

Progressivism is a mental illness:

>believing human rights and equality of man are universal facts
The sheer fucking retardation.

Beat me to it.

Kek show me the scientific experiment proving "universal human rights"
The modern leftist is so retarded it's not even fun to engage with them anymore

The funny thing is that none of those ideas would even exist was it not for Christianity.
Read Rene Girard ffs

Humanisim is a beleif like every other religions so yeah it basically is

Yes it is built upon the religious substructure. Look at George Floyd with the murals and everything, he is one of their saints.

How did the enlightenment backfire so hard?

Where are there cold scientific facts showing equality of man? Plenty showing the opposite

Liberalism is just religion repackaged as political dogma

They take that for granted. “We don’t need religion” is easy to say when religious values were engrained in yoir psyche since birth from the society you live in that’s intertwined with religious sentiments. “All men are created equal” is a religious sentiment and literally freed the slaves.

Yes and if he wasn't a religious adherent, the tweet would look something like: I don't believe in made up religious nonsense. I consider scientific evidence and don't attach certainty on their findings to then become absolute as that would be dogmatic, and I understand science is ever evolving.

Nothing more after this statement.

True and that's not a good thing unfortunately. The equality meme is cancer.

this. it's all so tiresome.

It's amazing how these people end up even more insufferable zealots as unlike self described religious people that lack any awareness of their "faith"

Pretty sure the screencap is meant to be a joke aimed at "Liberals".

I have 100 dogs, 2 of them can bark beethoven on command, the rest just bark at random, therefore all my dogs are equal.

My based arse last night: "you don't believe in science, you believe in nationally funded news reports that tell you science was conducted, do you read scientific method statements as thoroughly as a Christian reads the bible?"

Poe's law is my cope.

Before Christianity all societies were based on scapegoating. Any problem would present itself the group would seek a victim responsible and unite against it. Christianity changed this forever, showing that victims are innocent and the mob mentality must be rejected. This made modern science possible too, because without scapegoating men started looking at the real reasons for something happening.

I think he's being sarcastic

It was based on preconceived memes that bored wannabe intellectuals never put into doubt, which resulted in a superstructure built on faulty, universalistic and heavily misinterpreted dreams.

I believe in the equality of man.

>haha I merely pretended to be retarded

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>equality of man
>cold scientific fact

Why don't zoomers understand sarcasm?

leftists don't care about people or fairness or equality, they care about being lazy, eliminating their enemies and fucking kids

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I disagree, therefore we're not equal and what is real in your mind is irrelevant.
Divergence is desirable, speciation is desirable.

Ultimately they only care about suicide.

> they care about being lazy, eliminating their enemies and fucking kids
Just like Trump

Autists here can't do social cues

This is why you shouldn't disregard philosophy from your life. These people end up trying to make it fit into something it could never fit into (science). Sam Harris is a prime retard who also engages in this behavior.


Progressivism is Luciferianism

liberals aren't human, niggers aren't either