End it end it end it

Eldritch horrors are tamer than this shit, please end it now... I can't go on like this until I'm an old man

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Why do they need to make a new hole? just connect it to the asshole.

to create the perfect futa specimen

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that futas would be real within my lifetime

Troons managed to go from tier 1 festering axe wound to tier 2 man made horror.
Unironically this is how the antichrist will be born.

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but the male still can't produce or deliver the necessary hormones and nutrients the baby needs. they'll birth dead and deformed children. but maybe that's what they want. they just want to get their rocks off, but don't actually want a baby.

They won't be
This is a fleshcraft imitation of what is already a fundamentally unholy concept

user, there are plenty of news regarding the recent euphoria for uterus transplants and how to birth as a transgender MtF.
A decade ago we didn't think they would give hormonal suppressors to children

Gender reassaingment surgerys are a pathway to many abilities some call unnatural.

Their male body doesn't know what the fuck that thing is or how to run it. This is unit 731 levels of surgical fuckery just for shits n giggles.

Rejected because chromosomes.

They’ll do this as a fetish like bug chasing, and keep the miscarriages in jars on the mantel.

The slippery slope is real and its going straight down into hell.

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there are so many variables to this operation, its hilarious that they included "ten-hour procedure" to trick the mentally stupid that they can become a woman overnight.

is not real
you change your hormonal levels to that of the other sex
but your body is still made from that of a male
your brain your bones every cell to the genetic level is a male
not to mention all the problems auto immune disorders and more that would come from taking estrogen and that surgery fuckery OP posted

We went from "gay people just want to get married, mind your own business" to this in ~15 years.

ah sweet, so now they will destroy futa fetish ?

The first person to have sex reassignment surgery, in 1930s Germany, also had a womb implanted, but the body rejected the organ transplant.

of course, they will. the president of the united states of america molested his own daughter, and the herd will rationalize it, even celebrate it, to protect their fragile worldview. things are far, far gone.

They want them, there are already studies on how to induce pregnancy on MtFs with transplanted wombs and the necessary hormonal fuckery they are going to give them in order to birth their babys, which hopefully will be human

Hey troons, this doesn't mean anything since futas have female bone structure, which you do not.

It won’t be long before the antichrist takes over and then the final countdown begins 7 years before Jesus Christ comes back and destroys the wicked from the words of his mouth. It’s easy to see why Noah started building a boat when God told him to.
I proudly voted against gay marriage in NC, even commiefornia voted against faggots getting married and they took it to the courts instead of voters... Democrats in weimerica have a saying called “sue until blue” they get shot down by voters and use the courts instead, same thing with roe vs wade

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Wtf I didn't know that one

there's nothing about this that isn't satanic

Are you sure?
The male body retains a vagina and womb and can give birth in the case of CAIS.

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