Women's suffrafe was a mistake


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>I have to guess between gas and food.

Should have worked harder am I right? It's the American way.

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women have never suffered, they are mere simple beasts who have no comprehension of that level of emotion like men do

Suffarafe succotash!

Chickenmeat is popular and now birdflu will mutate and jump to humans. Bsl3 and 4 labs will have these strains. The fun begins soon when normal birds say hello to cattle birdchicken, eating some human mass extinction tendies and loving it. Die humans die

Nice Engrish chink.

yeah! you tell em mohammed

90 dollars to fill a tank that’s like £70, not even that expensive pretty reasonable really. Also BRB going to donate money to cats

>Robert Reich

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Can you imagine how much internalized anger a guy must have being that short?

>Although he was drafted to serve in the Vietnam War, he did not pass the physical as he was under the required minimum height of five feet.

>not even that expensive
Double the price and 50% more expensive food in a year. With housing and car prices going crazy people are being crushed by inflation.

Agreed, fuck women. The original idea was that men would get 2 votes, not that women would run rampant and say that EVERYONE gets rights

Well it’s going to get a lot worse because of retarded net zero policies, not enough was invested in the oil industry and now we will face shortages that will take years to clear.
If she’s struggling that hard maybe she should just buy a bicycle?

Can you stop oppressing women? Wasn't enough what your ancestors did? You want to continue this nonsense? The crazy women of today were made by the oppression in the past. It is you to blame.

Change yourself.

Hahaha he’s an angry little elf isn’t he


Dude's a midget

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I just looked it up and he's 4'8

Getting Cotton Hill vibes from guy on the right

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What is that in Freedom Units?

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>Freedom Units
golem goyim units

Are you circumcised?

>Those boots

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Donate to cats?