You hate me simply because I was born in the wrong body

Don't you understand how crazy that is?
Seriously, seek help.

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Why are trannies stealing Lain

Lain has always been popular for them

>You hate me simply because I was born in the wrong body.
you think like a christcuck

you are not a soul that was placed inside a body randomly at birth
Your mind is a product of your body, you ARE your body, not a soul placed in a réceptacle

>why are trannies using trannime imagery
truly a mystery

Chudbros, the trans cuties have finally got us...

Lainey says trans rights to assisted suicide

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The soul business is just a metaphor to help people understand. More objectively, there are children who have intense cross-gender feelings from a young age, often associated with their earlier memories.
These cross-gender feelings can include dreams of being in a body of the opposite sex, identifying with role models of the opposite sex, and simply spending hours of every day wishing or daydreaming that they were the opposite sex.

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You were born in the right body
Somewhere along the line you dropped to the bottom on your glownigger class and they stuck you on slide thread detail though

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>. More objectively, there are children who have intense cross-gender feelings from a young age, often associated with their earlier memories.
I have no idea what psychological mechanism lead to troonism but I won't prenounce myself on that

what I can tell you for certain is that you are not a mind placed inside a body, the mind is a result of the body, you cannot be born the wrong gender, what you have is a borken mind/mental illness, likely genetic, that makes your brain fail to identity your own body as your identity

you basically fail the mirror test, that's all there is to it

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the world of spirit is obviously greater than that of matter. I can envision countless things that could never exist here PLUS everything that can. therefore it should be assumed that consciousness dreams up matter, and not that matter leads to consciousness.
why the LESSER world create the GREATER one? that makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

You will never be in "the right body" because it's actually your mind that's broken.

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Yeah, it is pretty crazy to believe you were born in the wrong body (because you only get 1)


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>gender is a social construct
Okay, I agree.

>I was born in the wrong body
So, is gender a social construct or not? What was it that was born in the wrong body? A soul?
Personality is a spectrum. Sex is not. Gender roles are partially socially constructed, but if you then reason that you are "born in the wrong body", then you are saying there is a mix-up in your genetics from birth. Therefore, gender is not a social construct as you would have been assigned a gender to have been mixed up into the wrong body.
If its a soul you are speaking of, well then, you have a whole other bit of troubles that need to be resolved.
You really don't see the flaw in your thinking do you?

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I hate you because you molest children.

>Is it my mind thats wrong?
>No, no, it must be my body.
This is how insane a troon is.

you're the one that needs to seek help man

>Don't you understand how crazy that is?
Yes, you're mentally ill, good that you know it

>therefore it should be assumed that consciousness dreams up matter, and not that matter leads to consciousness.

"I can make a 3D model render of an apple therefore we live in a simulation"
ok schizo

let me guess, you believe you are the only person that exists and that the entire universe comes out of your mind too

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The mind can change. OR! I can just cut my body apart, pump myself with experimental hormones, then call myself the thing I wish I were. Clearly we are doing the sane choice. WHY WON'T YOU LET US NORMALIZE THIS?!?!?!

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