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Nope, it's ours. Fuck you gonna do about it, submissive untermenchen?

Why are both border claims such ugly jagged lines? The real border should follow geographic boundaries such as rivers, hills etc.

No. Also we claim New Brunswick as rightful New England clay.

Also nova scotia

Then quebecker will be force to take back what is rightfully theirs
When we will gain our independence we will need living space for our people
Never forget, a quebecker is worth a thousand of any other race

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You should have thought about that before you refused to join the Revolution

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>why are border claims ugly jagged lines
>real borer should follow boundaries such as rivers.
Uhh, user?

Everything south of St. Lawrence river should be US territory

we need to build an east west highway up there. democrats are making it all but impossible, tho.

The natural and reasonable border is the St. Lawrence, occupier.

Lol, assuming you're allowed to leave your globohomo cages and are still alive after your 50th clot shot. Good luck taking it back, maplenigger.

come and take it nigger
britishs already tried to erase the french there for 250 years
they failed
Better mens than you tried and failed

>we will need living space for our people
You hardly fill the land you have

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Don't worry, after the annexation it'll all be one country, just as god intended.

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the globohomo cage is only something the penis is locked into

>fighting women and teenagers is considered a battle in Canada
Lmao, lol even

But we did already genocide you once, je me souviens. We moved tens of thousands of you fuckers to Louisiana and the colonial urban centers. That being said, you lot are the only people who can keep up with New Yorkers on the highway, so cheers to you

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Why does maine have a chad meme haircut in ops pic?

Kek I see it


Come and take it lol

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