Dems spend decades mass importing Mexicans

>dems spend decades mass importing Mexicans
>they believe it will allow them to form a one party government in the US since all the Mexicans will definitely be democrat
>destroy their legitimacy with their previous base the white working class in the process who now hate them more then anyone else
>turns out the Mexicans go conservative
How will they react when this sinks in for them?

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There's nothing "conservative" about demographically replacing Europeans with south american aboriginals.

south texas has never been demographically european.

Oh I'm sorry, is the Federal Reserve going to be abolished? Is the income tax and affirmative action going to be abolished? Is no-fault divorce and the welfare state going to be abolished?

The "bad guys" already won by destroying the political capital of whites and forcing mass immigration. The mass immigration itself was the weapon. Whatever you think Mexican conservatism looks like is 5 brands of kosher bullshit.

The problem isn't the political inclinations of Mexicans and other invasive foreigners, who do in fact largely vote Democrat, but instead the fact that our country is totally overrun with Mexicans and foreigners

Sure there is. They’ve been here for 30,000 years, except for the brief window that’s been the most recent 225 years. It’s literally their land

Fpbp fuck spicks

For one side

But for the other

>They’ve been here for 30,000 years
The problem with you kikes is that you're too busy making up history to know what actually is history. Southern Texas was redskins, not south american aboriginals.

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conservatives are just jews and democrats are just jews

none of these political parties actually cares about America

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Theyre literally half white. More than you, mutt

Factually incorrect.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the Proud Boys president was found to be a 10 yr FBI informant.

two more weeks and 5 million more spic illegals and the based civnat neocohen centrist red wave can begin
Trump 2024, MIGA!

We're base and redpilled

You need to legalize more of us to sabe the republic

Are you retarded?

we built a wall on the southern border for a reason, but kikes want their slave labor and they'll use the military to get it while virtue signaling about how diversity is our strength, but everyone with an IQ above 80 knows this shit is only pushed because of cheap labor

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Nonwhites need to leave white land, which is everywhere we say it is

>Theyre literally half white.
No. Being forced to learn Spanish does in fact, not change your genetics.

based brown invaders bolstering the GOP grift and owning the libs

Yes thats to stop illegal immigrants you dumb fuck. And nobody likes those even naturalized spics dont like them. A good percentage of actual americans are spics and they just so happen to be based so we should be celebrating not crying about it

A good percentage of """american citizens""" are illegal and need to go back to Mexico

What do her feet look like?
This is important as to whether she'd get my vote or not

Fuck off spic!

You vote left you destroy everything and some outlier does not change that.

no, legal immigrants are just the same, they take anything and everything up the ass and all it ever does is make this country shittier

You living in a small area does not mean you own the fucking state subhuman spic.

plus you're a foreigner anyways, you shouldn't even be here

No it is not you fucking subhuman spic puke.

The first president to allow mass immigration from Mexico was Bush sr dipshit

The Dems just went all in on niggerfag worship and Jews. The spics figured out their place on the hierarchy and are moving to the group that has been trying to win them over for a decade now.

Still not good for white people, but the spics at least will be happy to ethnically cleanse black people so I guess they're alright.


Low info faggot.

>but the spics at least will be happy to ethnically cleanse black people so I guess they're alright.

More spic lies!

Actually yes it is if you really think about it...they just want to get rid of the immigrants lmao

Spics were literally purging blacks in California.

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Spics aren't white, they literally have injun and nigger DNA lmao.

ay dios mio, la creatura

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it should happen vasiliy

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Depends on the spic. They are basically a mystery meat race at this point.

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If you are able to vote and still do, you likely have a bit of wealth and delusional belief in this farce of democracy because you have a modicum of success under this system. There are plenty of Latino business owners (for historical reasons many of them initially had to start businesses because they couldn’t be hired except for the most menial/degrading of jobs) and some who have built some wealth and they vote.

>shitskin immigration is good so long as they're HECKIN BASED
>jews SEETHE when based shitskins replace white people

Civnats are the worst