I'm desperately looking for a video

Please, does anyone have a copy of Shannon Bream's show from 06/17/2022? The guy in the pic on the right (I don't remember his name), his right eye was not fucking normal. I'm talking like actual proof of a demon/alien if you can find this video. Please, I promise I'm not crazy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Charley Crist en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Crist

DS puppet former gov of FLA

ty, I have to find this fucking video. It was the weirdest fucking thing I've ever seen

post the video pls.

I will if I can find it, I found a couple versions where they cut out the fucking ending where Charley was having a discussion with Shannon. I can't fucking believe this is happening, schizos are fucking right wtf is going on

Bumping for i hope you find it

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>Please, does anyone have a copy of Shannon Bream's show

I hope someone can deliver what OP is talking about. There was another one of these incidents to Shannon Bream herself and it was fucking weird. Shit slips through the veil on accident every so often kek

it looks hopeless, I feel so defeated

His right pupil was the size of a god damn golfball while his left was completely normal. I've never seen anything like it, I just assumed it was a glass eye but then I googled the guy today and both his eyes look normal.

that's not him

Clone. There are over 2000 clones used in media, television, movies etc. Including many news anchors, politicans and A-list "celebrities". Including Biden.

Does anyone know this guy's name? Please and thank you

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>I promise I'm not crazy

that's fine, I know how this sounds

>Please, does anyone have a copy of Shannon Bream's show from 06/17/2022?

I just went through that episode and I didn't see the guy? You sure it was that date?

yes, it was after the emu in the wheelchair story on Friday night

Hmm I'll try again

this is the weirdest fucking thing ever and I can't prove it, god damn it I sound like a schizo

>trying to trick people into watching your shitty propaganda channel

nice try


I really tried man but none of the stuff you said was on her show from that night. Emu in the wheelchair? I mean wtf does that even mean are you just wasting my time with a larp? kek

yeah there was an emu in a wheelchair, some sort of feel good story

Kek I want to believe you but friend my sides

Trace Gallagher


emu story at 55:14, but no fucking discussion with this guy

assume I'm crazy, that's fine. What is this guy's name? I can't find it anywhere

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>Charley Crist

Trace Gallagher is not human. Just keep that in mind and I'll let this thread die.

I've never believed in the reptile-humanoid thing but this is too much.

Yeah Idk I've seen some weird "artifacts" as well that seemed hard to explain. If you end up finding it please remake the thread and share