Why are troons so overrepresented in the tech industry

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it's a fag
sorry, a fad

thats one ugly dude


There were multiple in this video alone. Any time a woman was speaking they would just watch and seethe, kek

they are more intelligent than you chuds

look at that creature. Desperately trying to emulate what it thinks a woman looks like in its sick and twisted mind. The hair, the makeup, the nails, the "tits", the choker. Completely oblivious to the fact that a woman can choose to go against every single one of those expected behaviours and still be a woman, unlike him. Both funny and, kind of terrifying

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Imagine having to go to work everyday and pretend that mentally ill faggot is a woman.

Depression and hitting the wall of stress

It allows companies to satisfy leftist diversity quotas without needing to hire actual women.


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video game companies were being criticized for being too male but women didn't want to actually work for them so they got trannies to fill their hole. the same happened at all tech companies to a lesser degree.

I guess it's just easier to trick autist into cutting their dicks off

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I'll try my best to coherently answer this.
Because tech allows you to live out a different live in one way or another.
Fucking nerd pervert with no moral issue against theft? Congratulations, you can become filthy rich just like Zuck!
Don't like the fact that you're a 45yo male with a cuckold fetish? Congratulations, join any social network/discord/chat with an anime avatar and you can be how ever old you want!
They have this believe that tech is the new babylon in a way. That it is the new tower of babel that will allow them to transcend death and enter a Kingdom of Heaven of their own making.
Do not be shocked to see cults in the future putting sigils into their microchip designs in order to gain more power.
AIs will become possessed by demons, shit like that.

Blizzard has been a washed up husk that produces functionally fun games with shit mechanics and poor upkeep since 2014. Them putting a tranny front and center of the next WoW expansion that features a new furry class is no surprise.

They look terrified of him
As though he has a mental problem of some sort and could snap at any given moment

Its racist to let white men finish their own work and business, hence now everything is shit since a 3rd world ape or delusional retard touched it

There's a lot of autists in the game industry and they are vulnerable to being manipulated into thinking they are trannies by doctors and psychologists who only see them as a way to make a profit.
Basically they take a socially awkward outcast and convince them that the actual reason they're a socially awkward outcast is because they're actually a girl in a man's body when really they're just a sperg that will always be socially awkward no matter what.

check credits
none of these troons have relevant positions
they're quota people

Im 34 and quit playing video games about 10 years ago. From what I remember it was just nerdy white guys making games

From the outside perspective looking at gaming now, it looks like all the nerdy white guys got replaced by trannies and women

No wonder gaming went to shit.

Because men shouldn’t spend so mich time sitting in front of computers indoors, with constant access to the weirdness of the internet. It leads to strange tendencies. And yes, I’m very much looking at myself and Any Forums while saying this. Get out as much as you can guys because while you might not necessarily troon out, you’ll still get weird(er) from being a terminally online shut in

Silicon Valley is in California.

Nerds/incels/autists are naturally low test and have feminized brains. Also, they're the only group that is really responsive to propaganda.

You can see it reflected in the quality of their games. When I was growing up people would just buy Blizzard games because they were Blizzard games, regardless of genre etc. Now they are seen as a joke. Activision was likely partially responsible, but it can't be the whole story since they still made good games after that (SC2 etc).

Their average IQ is 120

Because games were an old-world bastion, and the Jews cant have that. They bought out gaming industies and injected trannys and women.

Its not a business model to make profits at all.
an failure does not matter to a monopoly that controls all monetary systems.

The power outweighs money, its the path and security for it.


corporate bullshit and diversion from t he fact that they steal like bankers do

I would just ignore them and never speak to them

>From what I remember it was just nerdy white guys making games
You don't remember the furries and the fags?

>Jews injected
lol nah, nerds were always faggots, just look at Alan Turing.

The stupid godrays in the back lmao

>You will use the correct pronouns

The only tranny shit I remember from back in the day was South Park making Mr Garrison a woman and them mocking people who had sex changes.

Actually, it's a direct result of gamer gate.

These faggots are just involuntarily celibates by the factors of being disgustingly ugly, wildly autistic, and obsessed with pornographic materials.
This festers into a mental illness that exudes itself as poorly cross-dressing as the opposite sex.
Mary Shelley's Frankensteins.

Go watch old movies. They had trannies in a lot of comedies.

Thread theme

They are not a troon, they are:

var _inp = troon;

>The only tranny shit I remember from back in the day
They were always sexually deviant, not necessarily trannies. But homos were common.

Games are a hobby but some people make it their life. Is it really that surprising that one type of loser would overlap with others?

The Jews must pay for this genocide of our people.


transsexuality and anything lgbtq is an abomination to God. The lgbtq community also mocks God's promise to Noah to never flood the earth again. They are a satanic agenda pushed onto the people by various evil means to deceive them.

26 ...for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death...(Romans 1:26-32, KJV)

To those who are not saved; Know that the end is nigh and thus not much time remains. All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in the lake of fire and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your Salvation and repent and He will deliver you from evil and save you from the everlasting lake of fire.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation: granddesignexposed.com/sun/baal.html

Something worth watching if you have the time: youtu.be/eJK1gLHbOxA

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>tech industry
are they?
software development perhaps
i don't know what it is about spending 18 hours a day writing code, since around age 12, not interacting with any other humans at all, barely speaking to anyone else even on the internet, the only interaction with women is watching them in internet porn where they are both either idolised and treated like slave animals (i wonder what kind of psychology that mirrors? to be both essentially worthless but with a longing to be desired?), that would have any kind of negative social effect on a person.
can you?
what about if you consider kids who do have friends online, any thou think back to the kind of things you did as a kid where you gang up and pick on one kid in particular where it starts off as a joke until he nearly loses an eye or drowns or something, what if you were online and had absolutely no responsibility, nobody would know of your involvement, you would face no repercussions whatsoever in what happened to the kid you all pick on.
how far do you think that would go?
i wonder if we put 5 or 6 maladjusted socially isolated kids who grew up like that, in charge or in moderator positions of every single discussion space on the internet, give them absolute control to decide what is a good or bad opinion idea or thought, and then we let kids read and post on there and shape their brains by what other socially maladjusted people think and what their conscensus is. then what if we give every kid a mobile phone so they can be online 24/7 and never interact with real kids or people and have no experience or understanding or emotion or reality.
do you think that would warp their perspective?
i think the funniest thing is when people say lets get more women into stem and all the guys moan and groan about it. it might literally be their only hope to normality.

>Because tech allows you to live out a different live in one way or another.

I think this is the answer. The tech industry started out as a meroticratic place that put aside traditional corporate culture in favor of competence. They had too, because people with backgrounds in computer science or EE were rare and tended to be nerdy/weird outsiders. Tech became known as a field where you could get a high paying job even if you had long hair (as a male), were a stoner, wore a rock t-shirt to work instead of a suit, etc.
Over time they got infected with identity politics the same as the rest of corporate America. But the "do your own thing" ethos remained. That made it a huge magnet for trannies.

because trannies got mogged by ugly and/or socially retarded men. real trannies tend to be cool. weird, but cool. they're busy on themselves. while fake trannies are busy on others.

narcissistic weirdos, finding themselves in a feminized world, have clung to trannyism in an attempt to force people to treat them nicely, like people treat women.

trannies prove that women are not oppressed in the west, except by other women. 99.9999% of people treat women nicely, and want to treat women nicely, and the creeps want some of that action.

Jesus fucking Christ.
Stay away from whatever these soi faggots created.
I really feel like these people are demons from hell, no word of a lie, and I'm not even a practicing Christian.

Ha, Bobby Kotick is "American by Nationality" and refuses to release information about his early life or parents...
If you cant see the kikes thru the fog you are a moron.

>That it is the new tower of babel that will allow them to transcend death and enter a Kingdom of Heaven of their own making
We've been doing this with books and scrolls for ages.
>AIs will become possessed by demons, shit like that.
Little late for that one

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I’ll tell you one thing trannys have nailed. Modern Womens resting bitch face and cranky attitude. Top marks. They pass perfectly.

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they are basically contractors since they kill themselves a year later, so companies don't have to pay for employee benefits


And it makes no difference because you have to agree to a social contract completely separate from the ToS to even play WoW these days. The entire company is a cesspool of woke cancer and goblin-tier greed. They have a small core of talented designers who can make games that are fun to play, but they're so bogged down with being forced to find ways to punish people who are FtP and stop every possible avenue of naughty words that the games are shallow and have no lifespan anymore. The only people who still play Blizz games are addicts and normies who don't know any better.

>Go watch old movies. They had trannies in a lot of comedies.

Not really. They had a lot of cross dressing or effeminate fags. But I don't know of any movies that portrayed a man who actually believed he was a woman until maybe the last 20 years or so.

Because ALL troons are gamers. You're almost there user, keep thinking....


I prefer the BaSeD fish to the demon.

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So true and based, here's your (you)