Proxima Centauri b could have been colonized by us by now but instead we prefered to waste time on retarded fucking...

Proxima Centauri b could have been colonized by us by now but instead we prefered to waste time on retarded fucking bullshit. Fuck politics, fuck religion, fuck women and fuck this retarded humanity.

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Spoiler: It already has been.

Hope many light years away is it, give me some details faggot

4.2 ly. No other system is closer.

Fuck off and die scum!

with an em drive and nuclear reactor we could sustain 9.8ms^2 and do a round trip in under 12 year

I have my doubts the Alpha centauri system could support life though with its tripple star system. Be cool to check out though.

There may be systems centered around much dimmer stars closer by, that we havent yet discovered

kek, no we couldn't, nigger, we're not even a type 1 Kardashev civilization yet. The next steps right now are unlocking fusion and fission power, and harnessing power from, colonizing, mining, and terraforming our own solar system. We're not even .1 on the scale yet. Launching a colony ship to another system entirely, right now, would accomplish nothing except condemn everyone on it to a pointless drawn-out death
> politics
> religion
> women
And how are you going to send a multi-generational ship to colonize a distant world without politics to get it organized, religion for mental health and motivation, and women to harbor and raise children?

Space is not real. There's a glass dome that holds the waters of above. There'a a reason why they say they can only fly low orbit.

>em drive

>fuck women

Will do. But I also think we should take away the rights they hold without corresponding responsibilities. Just look at ukraine. All the strong independent women with insta picks and AKs fled. Men are driven to the front to shed blood and those same feminist women are in the west whoring themselves. Because let's face it: when times are though men dig trenches and women spread their legs

checked and pathetic incel post pilled

>fuck women

We absolutely need some sort of better propulsion than a rocket engine before some serious space exploration can occur.

Nuclear engine in space is fine but gay politicians say it's a no-no.

Yes :)

Being able to convert electrity to trust is our only hope for sustained acceleration. We're never going to cross the galaxy burning tanks of rocket fuel lol

If you know of a better propulsion system do share?

WRONG. The distance is so great that humans will never get there.

I kind of agree. And if not a colonization ship, why not just focus on sending a probe with the em drive and get it going as fast and as far as we can. We need to study the radiation outside of the hemisphere to see if interstellar travel will ever even be survivable by humans at all.

It doesn't work. That the main problem of this scam.

No. We need to give money to Ujraine, bigot!

Hemisphere was supposed to say heliosphere. I'm literally shitting while shitposting and phoneposting right now. I also cannot solve the captcha any more. Why so I even try

If you believe we have been space faring since the moon landing. We still wouldnt be able to colonise. The farthest object we flung out to space isnt eve 1/10 the way in distace from here to there.

The α Centauri system is approximately 4.4LY away. That's about 26,000,000,000 000 miles away. There is zero chance we'd have been there yet no matter how advanced our spacecraft became. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Not one iota of possibility. One day we'll be a starfaring civilization, but it is not this day.

>Proxima Centauri b could have been colonized by us by now
While your trips are impressive, that's really unlikely to work. The size of the ship we'd need to support a full colony's worth of people for a 10+ year journey, and still have enough supplies left over to build a colony and establish industries after arriving, is extraordinarily huge. Like, we're talking about a ship that would weigh millions of tons and be several kilometers long.

To build something like that, we'd need a shipyard in space, since it would be too large to launch from the ground. And we'd probably need to have mining and refining industries already established in the asteroid belt to get enough raw materials to the shipyard to actually construct the ship.

Even if funding for space technology hadn't been cut after the Cold War, we'd still be decades if not centuries away from having a practical colony ship ready to send outside the solar system.