Is white privilege a real thing?

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It is a way to use the usefull idiots to be dividend so we can taken over!?

Whites have the privilege of working to support useless niggers and their endless, unemployable ,uneducatable offspring .

IQ is the biggest predictor of success and because whites have a higher IQ than blacks and men have a higher IQ than women, white men are seen as privileged. A black woman with a 120 IQ will in pretty much every situation fair better than a white man with a 100 IQ. There just really isn't a significant population black women with IQs 120+ for people to notice this trend.


The only people with any advantage are attractive women.

Jew privilege is. Somehow I doubt those two would stand with such a sign, though.

White privilege is a means of scapegoating whites for jewish actions. Ending white privilege requires ending jews.

yes, in terms of being the default demographic in western countries (we still miss out on affirmative action) but it's a good thing because it's a situation we inherited from the previous generations.

no, it's shitty marxist cope to a reality that different races behave differently, imagine that...

Race reputation = "privilege"

Even despite the constant slanderings by the left and the fake Latino as white FBI crime statistics

Whites are still categorically based and everyone knows and respects that

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there is only rich and powerful privilege
>greedy white homeless man! give your rags to that rich brown politician!
dumbasses believe in privilege
in London you could get stabbed by a darkie, be a whitey, and guarantee people will come to their defense of structural violence and poor opportunity, if I were to have a knife and use it it'd be immoral in the libfaggots eyes, but the blacks use of weapons is justified to them. these same libfags screech for government to be brought down with violence but will call the cops on anyone who brings a molotov to a street party. fuck these brain dead over """'educated"""" pieces of shit, the world will turn to ash in their mouths soon enough

If a rich person is willing to spend millions to become attractive then this tells me that attractiveness is a greater privilege than wealth.

> dear white friends

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No human is born the same, meaning there have to be people born with more value and some with less. Not your fault.

of course but it is no different from human and a house cat.

nah ironically whites are the only people alive today who have dealt with systemic racism

No, but it should be.

What's wrong with having privilege in the country my ancestors toiled and died for?

I think "white privilege" is just how whites tend dress in plain clothing and act courteously, which leads to the perception that you appear kind and trustworthy.

Meanwhile, some amount of people in other races dress in thug streetwear and act like thugs, which leads to people thinking they're dangerous and untrustworthy. I walk on the other side of the street if I see somebody who I think looks like they would attack me.

It is a privilege to work to provide for those that do not wish to work. It is a privilege to honour the laws of the land. It is a privilege to hold traditional values like honour, chivalry, beauty and righteousness.

What is white?