Why did ThunderCuck waste his time telling everyone he's an atheist and put himself in a category

Why did ThunderCuck waste his time telling everyone he's an atheist and put himself in a category.

Attached: Thunderf00t_irl_really.jpg (180x154, 4.56K)

His busted videos are good but he's cringe af irl

Aahhh... Elon Musk.

Why does he look like a mulatto

Shut up, musk.

someone post the ukraine middle finger wojak

Dude has made over $600,000 from YouTube alone. Why do you think he does these things? Because it gets him clicks, which gets him money.

Because he was on a mission from god to destroy Kent Govind and creationism.
He was a useful idiot for the progressive cause. And when the septic community used all of their social clout they were promptly replaced by the feminists. Then the feminists by the racialists and Trannys welcome to the current day. He was part and parcel of the progressive end of our culture.
Which btw was always going to happen but was accelerated by the internet.

he became an internet something back when atheism was considered edgy.

he did call out feminism though, there are way more annoying fags than him.

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Tfw you realize that ThunderCunt would be considered far right by today's leftists

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Atheism was fine alternative community for like minded people on the internet. Then the woke leftists tried to take it over and made up a bunch of nonsense to poison the community.
For a while the internet had some interest in the theist / atheist back and forth but it's all been settled down to theists admitting that really it's an issue of needing to have faith.

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Faggots force their way into every community, gaming atheism, sharia, orthodox, etc. There is nothing soecial about atheism, besides most fags come from religious households.

When you realize the guy is the straw argument deity.

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Nigger is a smart chemist, but a retard everything else.

lmao i took the same screenshot but forgot to post it

notice his curly hair OP: he is a KIKE and atheist is nothing more than a kike tool to harm goyim.

I haven’t even read these threads, I just thought it was funny so posted in both.

same, i haven't read any of this shit but our posts

Because he cares about truth and honesty?