Russia sending 60 year old death traps to frontline

Why have they been reduced to this? Where are the Armata's and T-90M's? Why send Russians to die in these ancient mobile coffins?

Attached: T-62s Ukraine.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Russia should send cock to your mouth, death trap your asshole

Attached: 1645890337422.png (267x296, 119.96K)

Expendable decoys. Even if they're crap, nobody can afford to just ignore them.

i saw a cope cage

Wake me up when they're sending T-34s until that who cares it's a nothingburger+memeflag+faggot

clearing out old supply against the bullshit ukranians.

>to Frontline
>for rear guard of dpr




N/e/i/n/c/h/a/n dot com is bacckkkkkkk


Because Russia doesn't have many Armata or T-90

why send anything higher when ukraine has maybe a pickup truck with a bolted on m60....

>save against small arms
>ukraine probably has much more limited means of combating tanks in general now due to corruption and attrition
>still have the big boy tanks in reserve if SHTF

>Why send Russians to die in these ancient mobile coffins?
because russians are just there to observe ukrainian hohols shooting at each other

Attached: ukraine.dont even trust yourself.jpg (770x799, 78.88K)

i love how the tanks roll coal like old Ram diesel trucks

Attached: 1654134602987.png (640x573, 523.38K)

They have been seen parked in dugouts with armed concrete overhead cover. It seems that they are used as mobile gun turrets in artillery resistent fortifications.

>Both NATO & Russia sending all of their old crap to Ukraine to make room for new stockpiles to fight ww3 with.

I figured it out for you, nigger.


They only rape their own soldiers bro.

>Why Russia not sending big modern armor vehicle to fight against infantry regiments

T62 is cheaper than a Javelin, and a T62 is still a tank that is very deadly.

its all about getting rid of shit equipment and people.... MORE GUNS WILL BE SOLD ALL OVER EUROPE NOW

Attached: tzinkg.png (660x574, 89.26K)

The point of war is to have a place to send people to die.
Putin is surrounded by millions of Russians he's trying to control and at the top of this group are veterans of the Chechen wars and other wars Russia has been doing for a while.
It's an enormous, ethnically and linguistically diverse area; this makes it hard to rule. He's at the top of a violent criminal empire and weakness will lead to being replaced.
Having a place where Vlad can order his top generals to go and prove their bravery, a place they might not come back from... probably helps his position a lot right now especially if the health rumors are true.

Attached: 1647743310950.jpg (1200x674, 100.32K)

>Where are the Armata
In the workshop. You had to be retarded to think that tank was battle ready after seeing it break down on parade.

it was a glorious cope cage though, first clas

They give old tanks to people republics' militia. Russian command threats those with complete disregard.

A tank is a tank. If it’s allowed to fire it’s weapons it can be devastating. It’s almost better to use the cheap ones first honestly. You ever play RTS or grand strategy games OP? I love company of heroes great game.