How do C*******s of Any Forums respond to this?

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greeks and romans

Jews always lie.

by exterminating ALL fucking jews immediately
muslims are allowed deportation make to their home countries

Hide obvious jew thread

proof jews arent white

Great, if whites didn't kill Jesus then does that mean the Jews did?

Also no khazars in the Bible except for Revelation.

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Mayne his dumb ass should've read it in English.

I guess jews have no claim to israel then

What about all the stuff from the Greco-Roman times?

Skin wsss so white it glowed, blonde hair, blue eyes. His dad fled from the tent thinking he was a child from the angels as thats what tye angels look like.

The Israelites are all white.

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kikes are edomites


No niggers in the Bible actually

Bible was written in Greek

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sounds like a Black Santa situation
obviously the Jewish version will be all about Jews. African folk tales are always about black Africans doing African things, Greek myths were all about Greeks being Greek, etc.

>reads the entire bible
>continues to be an insufferable kike
he didn't read one word

I read the bible. Fun fact, the jews kill Jesus, the son of God and never apologize. To this day they're proud of it.

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Hebrew is a made-up language, and his version was probably translated from English.

that's the problem about kike books
i once read about a holohoax 6 millions of kikes were gased by nazis in camps
fun fact they never gased this much also it was a labor camps


Esau was an Israelite, but his sin was racemixing. Edomites are racemixers from their inception.

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There are no jews in my future

What word could this possibly be?

jews gunna jew

cope retard mary was a jew. Jesus was circumcised.
He has to have been from the Davidic line to be the messiah so he's either white or the messiah he can't be both.
Jews are lactose intolerant today because of khazar genetics not semite genetics. Khazarian jews are not the same is biblical semite jews.
Whole image is retarded for several more reasons not even worth getting into.
"Christian Identity" is such obvious and stupid cope.

I read the bible and write sage in the options field

>cope retard mary was a jew.
No, she was an Israelite.
>Jesus was circumcised.
Yes he was.
>He has to have been from the Davidic line to be the messiah so he's either white or the messiah he can't be both.
David is literally describe with pale skin, red hair, and blue eyes. David was an Israelite, a white person. Israelites are not Jews. You've been lied to.

New Testament was written Greek. Old Testament was Hebrew. Jesus spoke Aramaic. Hebrew is a dead language and was reinvented in the 1850s in France. This guy is a Russian Jew not a biblical one.

>entire bible
>in hebrew

What about Philistines? Related to Greeks and Persians.

Can you guys please stop making these Jewish mythology threads?

You're so afraid of Christ, you can't even type His name.

Lamentations 4:7
Some Rabbi should go back to Hebrew school.
>looked as pure and as beautiful as the driven snow: they were whiter than milk;

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The Bible isn’t fully written in Hebrew, retard. Also the Holocaust never happened, but it should have and it will.

Yes modern Khazarians are not the same as biblical semites. Big fucking whoop. Doesn't make either of them white.

nobody assumed there were white people in the bible

The ancient Greeks descend from Elishah, son of Javan, grandson of Japheth, great-grandson of Noah. We know this because before they were called Greeks they were called in Ionians. In Hebrew Yawah.

Ionians, appears from the eighth centuryB.C.E. onward in Assyrian cuneiform records, as well as in Persian and Egyptian accounts. This name comes from that of Javan (Heb., Ya·wan), son of Japheth and grandson of Noah. Javan was the Japhetic ancestor of the early peoples of Greece and the surrounding islands, as well as, evidently, of the early inhabitants of Cyprus, parts of southern Italy, Sicily, and Spain.—Ge 10:1, 2, 4,5; 1Ch 1:4, 5,7;

Javan is the progenitor of all Caucasians and Indo-Europeans. The Greeks came from Elishah, the ancient people of what you now know of as Spain from Tarshish, the ancient people of Cyprus, Tyre, and Asia Minor from Kittim, and Turks, Persians, and Indians from Dodanim.

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I don't care with the Torah, OT, or the NT say. All subverted by Judaism. I'll stick to the original works.

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It's ((())) of course

The Israelites are literally white, user. The Danites are the predecessors of the Germanic and British peoples. The Greeks are Japhites. You have been lied to.

So if that edomite rat actually believes he descended from Israelites then he’s essentially calling himself a nigger

Stop spamming this thread loser.

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Hebrew tongue my anus

a) The new testament was written in Koine Greek, not Hebrew so assuming you are referring to the Christian Bible, at least half of what you read is a translation.

b) People typically write down things that are unusual or important. The fact that there were a bunch of people around with light skin (e.g. Romans and Greeks) is neither.

(((hebrew))) was invented in the middle ages

SPBP. "A Jew said so" has got to be the worst justification of an argument I've ever seen on Any Forums.

a good jew

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Nice try kike

The Bible teaches that ALL CIVILIZATION will end at Armageddon. It is not up to me to decide who lives and who dies. What the Bible does teach is that the white race that has turned to Christ as both Savior and King will be the only ones to survive Armageddon. After Armageddon, the surviving members of the white race and resurrected white Christians will live in peace and perfection in that coming paradise world. All races will return back to their respective homelands and leave each other alone forever. No immigration, no diversity, no Jews, no race baiting.

Red heads

>proof jews arent white
Maybe but I've always thought of it more as jews are caucasian but in denial kinda like a tranny or waanabe nigger white wigger, that type of mental illness and immaturity. Not even saying I'm right just throwing that out there as food for thought

Jew is extremely based here . He knows 90% of christcucks today are not in west anymore and all those subhumans crave to be authentic christcuck even though bible never mentions them. He is dog whistling all the christcucks from brazil ,africa, india to korea that academically it is accepted abraham, moses were all niggers just like them .

(((Jews))) are not even related to Jews anymore. Jesus, the Apostles, Jewish Christians, and Prophets were not one of (((them))). The (((Jews))) that you know of were the Molech, Baal, Ashrah worshippers who eventually became the Pharisees and Saducees and followers. Jesus was an Israelite.

What made Israelites unique from all other races/nationalities in the world was their lineage. They could almost all trace their lineage back to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. Jesus lineage in Matthew and Luke went as far back to Adam himself. In 70AD the Romans ransacked Jerusalem in what is known as the Seige of Jerusalem of 70AD where the Romans attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple and all archived genealogies. After this, no Israelite on Earth could trace their lineages back anymore and all true Israelites disbanded throughout the Earth. The Age of Israel was over.

The 1st Century Christians were not concerned with liberating Israel. This was obvious because Jesus predicting the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD at the hands of The Roman Empire. This was God letting the Jews know he was done with them. Not only did they destroy the temple but all the records of Jewish genealogy going back to Abraham himself. No Jew on Earth could prove their lineage after that anymore. The Age of Israel was over and remained over to this day.

The (((Israel))) and (((Jews))) that you know of today are not the continuation of that Israel up above. They are descendants of Talmudism which descendend from Babylonian Mysticism. The Israel and Jews you are resisting today are the Synagogue of Satan. (((Christians))) are also a part of them as well.