Women are satanic creatures?

Why do women often give out satanic/demonic vibe?

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Women are the jews, chinks, niggers and faggots of gender

This is an interesting question, I’ve noticed it too. It seems that without male guidance they instinctively return to witchcraft.

It wasn't Adam who ate the fruit first.

Yes, they seem overly expressive in certain environments or occasions (almost like their entire soul is flowing out or something) unlike men who usually keep themselves together..

>tats, tits out, ghetto nails, dyed hair, engaging in degeneracy
How else are they going to stand out from the endless hordes of bland beckies out there?

I have to admit as a woman I dabbled into astrology and tarot but then one day my friend took me to this “show” where they she said it was just some fun new age shit. They were doing some weird sleep casting and hypnosis paired with sigils. I felt so sick that I told my friend I feel dizzy and we left. I threw out all my tarot and astrology related stuff afterwards

>as a woman
tits, now

because they are sensual/carnal. they are of the flesh. our ancestors tried to warn us multiple times.

They are weak minded and more susceptible to satanic influence.

because the modern woman left to her own devices ends up serving satan every time
they are weak and can't resist him the same way men can, men are supposed to be spiritual protectors of women, not just physical, but they've become so disgusting and piggish that it is pushing men away from even wanting to fix them

Men who acted beastly were killed, but women just beaten and put into their place, so they did get sifted by selection against genes prompting animalistic behavior and simply are tamed by the society. Once there's no beating, they return to the money status. They do not have a moral instinct like the men got during evolution, literal niggers of genders.

No, instead I will expand on what I said: the new age show felt like real magic. You probably think I am a schizo for saying what I am about to say but it really felt like they were summing demons and the people under hypnosis were opening themselves up to be possessed. I got major chills and I am glad I left. What I was doing with astrology and tarot at an amateur level didn’t even come close to what those people were doing. But I am sure I would have gone down the same way if I didn’t throw them out as astrology/tarot are gateways to much worse and serious stuff

buddha said women can't reach enlightenment and the bible says women aren't allowed into the holy temple when they're on the rag because their souls are impure. men tend to higher mind and spiritually but women are trapped in the flesh and the senses.

be quiet, woman

because western men are weak and desperate and let them get away with it

tits or gtfo

Women are not satanic they are just gullible. Women are meant to be led and when men are weak, women become weaker and manipulated as they are now with their feminazi bullshit. Men would go out and hunt bring home the goods, women would raise the kids and prepare the food. Now men play video games, watch porn, and drink alcohol so women have daddy government to provide them direction.

It shows you that in the bible.

You did good, all this new age shit are just different ways of syphoning retards into one of the many arms of organized satanism.

Thats not schizo thats exactly what they are doing. I guess its good you got out but many women dont, women often engage in witchcraft and im sure many know its real but claim to others its just silly fun.

and now?

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They fucking listened to a talking snake.

stop associating with succubi, there are still decent women left out there

>"I really hate X"
>*really loves X*

The snake is a representation of the ego, women are egotistical creatures, egoists always think they know better, women are redeemed from their enormous ego by humbling themselves when having to take care of another being (children), having to be ruled by another creature (men) and having to rely on others during their time of weakness (period).

Your tits are disgusting whore

Sometimes I wonder if there's something to Genesis when it talks about increased difficulty and pain for the labor of women during child birth.

A succubus would come as a good woman.

Mmh.. a lot of NPCs would label you with every female derogatory term under the sun... But you aren't completely wrong.

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