War has broken out (not officially, will be announced very tomorrow morning) between the syrian arab republic (assad regime) and turkey! HTS (islamist rebels in idlib) have launched a massive southern offensive with turkish air support (fighters and drones), there are reports that ma'araat al numan has fallen (big city just north of hama), there has been no russian response yet.

Pic related supreme military leader of HTS, which is the strongest group in syria right now.

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wow lmao imagine caring about some sand

>No one goes for Israel. The people who actually attacked them.

why do americans proudly flaunt their ignorance?

Good if true. I was beginning to think that Turkey is in Russia's pocket but maybe not if they are willing to ruin Assad's life even more.

Checked n heil'd.
Americans are fucking retarded. Also proofs sand nigger

that would be extremely antisemitic

That's be a good thing. Islam, like Christianity is a jewish psyop for non-jews. It's why both have jewish characters in it like Abraham, Moses, and even share overlap in the stories. Meanwhile the religions that came before them both never talked about jewish prophets. If anything, they talked about your people's prophets and history. Imagine believing in a religion where you're worshipping Zeus and it contains famous Roman rulers as prophets within the religion. You'd know you were conquered but when it comes to jews being born ignorant makes fools of us all.


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wait 2 hours mutty

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>there are reports that ma'araat al numan has fallen
It's current year, wouldn't a habbening be all over the internet in seconds?

that city only has 70 thousand population, and right now syrians dont have electricity, thats why i said reports, its based on supposed HTS advances, but the main thing is the m5 line has been cut off which puts alleppo at risk, anyway we will know the extent of syrian front collapse in hours.

>2 more hours
and look for what ya fucking sand ape. fake and faster than mohammad

and gayer*

liveuamap you brain dead newfaggot amerimutt what else

Go back to gpg turdini your shitting up the board

jews deserve extermination they sseem to love niggers... all jews and niggers deserve death and gay death cult will never meet anglo sorry... we are dea5th nigger kike

good, time to slaughter t*rkroaches

It's a gpg refugee he's a Isreali/Saudi shill

war is not fun you britbong inbred idiot

You will get missiled and that will be the end of it

No glory not even fight

Just an insect dying

cope chud
turkey is winning tho, they have been winning everywhere for 3 years.

K.. Keep me posted...

Just how shit is the SAA if they manage to lose so large city in the dark morning hours. Maybe they don't care at all.

It's almost to fast to be believable.

What do you sand niggers have to fight about.
Did Muhammad rape your favorite goat and now it's honor killing time.

But really what are the kikes doing this time?

i want to kill all niggers and jews that support niggers... hang from trees nigger kikes... holy war is coming for you

I don’t care what they say about you, I think you’re white

This war was expected. Turkey wants to create a 30km corridor in the northern Syrian desert for a gas pipe from Azerbaijan into Europe. My only prayer is: May God protect Assad. May he turn the Syrian desert in a red river of jewish and Turkish/NATO shabbos goy blood.

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So 2 more hours? Not weeks? You sure? I think you're lying. 2 more weeks I can believe.

We have truck a saurus. You don't. Your priorities are silly.

doesnt exist anymore, its all afghani, paki and irani militias, and the russians pulled out so many planes they cant provide quick reaction support.

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nigger kike isreal is blown to pieces in coming weeks Armageddon is nigh. bomb that shit hole satan is here

It's the national pastime since baseball got boring.

cope brazilmutt jungle monkey

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Yes, just 2 more hours, trust the plan.

I have set an alarm.

It’ll be hilarious when Assad wins again. Shouldn’t you fags be busy losing in Libya and Yemen?

fuck niggers monkey brain inbreed niggers should stay in africa the jew loves niggers kill them and hang them from trees, anglos need relief.... the pot is boiling and the kike needs pruning

Al Quds will rekt everybody.
I'm Lebanese you shabbos goy. I will piss on your ashes when the kikes burn your children for Moloch.