What does Any Forums think about Julian Assange's extradition to the U.S

What does Any Forums think about Julian Assange's extradition to the U.S.

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I don't like his face

He looks like an asshole

Free Julian Assange. No matter who you are. No matter what side of politics you're on. This isn't a rightwing leftwing thing.
I'm on the leftwing. This has nothing to do with anything partisan. This has to do with journalism and the right of any human being to expose any kind of government corruption and wrongdoing. If Julian Assange is put in prison by the USA it is effectively the legal end of journalist's rights here in the USA. It's the end of free speech. It's the end of government transparency. It's the end of whistleblowers. It's the end of your right ever to pull back the veil and peer into what's going on behind capitalism's own iron curtain

I support Assange, but seriously, what the fuck did he think was going to happen?
This isn't about the Iraq war videos, although i'm sure they didn't win him any friends from the USG, it's because of the diplomatic cables he leaked.
Any country that can't keep their diplomatic comms secret are not really a country. There's some amazing shit in there.

Nice try shmuel

What is he even charged with in the US specifically? Being a journalist? The fake rape they used to reel him in was in Sweden or something right?

Yeah "just trust the government and everything will be OK" then, right? #BackTheBlue right? God forbid anyone ever actually stand up to power the rightwingers have conniptions

He helped Chelsea Manning crack a hash in order to protect her identity

It's a good thing, fuck that attention whore gay retard. Nothing on WikiLeaks was ever even worth reading lol. A handful of shillary emails about pizza? Wow it's really happening goys

>He helped Chelsea Manning crack a hash in order to protect her identity
Note it was explicitly to protect her from being attacked for exposing government corruption that was real

And note that all whistleblowing of classified material is technically illegal in some sense or another. So basically the legal precedent being set is "if your government does something bad and you take steps to expose it, you're going to prison"

It means the end of any real journalism

*Bradley Manning

You god damn asshole


I was not aware of this user. Could you give us some more info?

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You never read the diplomatic cables, did you user?

Doubles say he's going to get the classic CIA treatment

Just in case you have not seen this.
This is the real reason they are still after Assange. Tons of leaked US diplomatic cables.

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They already tried

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it had nothing to do with trump they just mentioned it at this time.

How would the government even know that unless Bradley snitched?

Good question. Is Manning still in the US?
That snitch he had in wikileaks could have told them. I forget his name.

I'm so fucking tired of people on the left being like "but the rape accuations" "but he supported le pen" or whatever, he could be the fucking Zodiac Killer for all i care. Letting him be extraded would be a crime and a precedent for all others political refugees.

Dude's basically already been in prison. Now they'll just put him out of his misery after another circus.
As for what I think of my government for this. Glow niggers shouldn't have lied in the first place. But, it just shows that our country is ran by blood thirsty assholes. What's new.

His sentenced got commuted by Obama. Maybe going stool pigeon was part of the deal.