Do Arabs really

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Give a reason then.


Semites love to keep money in the family at the expense of their genetics.

Attached: Global-distribution-of-consanguineous-marriage-Reprinted-with-permission.png (624x404, 204.38K)

this map explains everything

Attached: ert3.png (1251x945, 394.55K)

>one reason
Genetic diseases.
Do you want another?

Honestly seems fine. Even if you and your sister love each other and want to fuck and get married, I don't care. I can believe that love would be very strong, stronger than fucking a complete stranger.

Not gonna fly

Balkans actually makes a lot of sense.

I somehow find cousin marriages less disgusting than race mixing. I don’t if that says some things about me.

>Muslims do it.
>Kikes do it.
>Your own ancestors did it.
>Even the bible doesn't say that you can't marry your cousins.
>There's no actual significant evidence that breeding with your cousin causes genetic abnormalities physically or mentally.

Prove that breeding with your cousin is bad. You can't.

ive fucked my cousin, even loved her once upon a time. alas, our family forbade it
Read a book you fucking imbecile

go back to your shithole as well, you ain't no leaf

Is only a risk amongst siblings. Even first cousins show no genetic differences compared to mixbred genetics

Have you fucking seen the Semitic races recently user?

Attached: eliza-relman.jpg (265x199, 7.72K)

There’s unironically nothing wrong with it, it barely counts as inbreeding and issues caused by it are rare

Its complete bs tho. Balkans is notorious for the lack of inbreeding. People will still pull out the family tree to make sure you arent a 5th degree family member lol. Never seen such a degree of making sure incest wouldnt happen. I think up to a 3rd degree cousin is even illegal to marry. Meanwhile here we can marry our first cousin np.

So western euros are cuckolds being bred by foreigners all the time?

This is false, you’re need to be at minimum 3rd cousins to be outside the risk zone for inbreeding.

>Inbreeding depression is the reduced biological fitness in a given population as a result of inbreeding (the breeding of related individuals). Population biological fitness refers to an organism's ability to survive and perpetuate its genetic material.
>The biological effects of inbreeding depression in humans are largely obscured by socioeconomic and cultural influences on reproductive behavior.[5] Studies in human populations have shown that age at marriage, duration of marriage, illiteracy, contraceptive use, and reproductive compensation are the major determinants of apparent fertility, even amongst populations with a high proportion of consanguinous unions.[6]

>Read a book you fucking imbecile
No you.


>Mutt with no objective evidence just as expected.
>Jews are Semitic.

der der deer der deer der deeeer der deeeerr

I’m against it because I find it disgusting but let’s not play the moral high ground here, Europeans were inbreeding like rabbits just a few centuries ago

What's even the point of being an arab if your women are just gonna look like a typical Kim Kardashian clone whore

No it isn't. Balkans is a clan based tribal society. Everyone has the marry into the tribe and rarely do tribes mix. That's why there are blood feuds.

How is it disgusting?

I can understand sibling incest being weird/gross, but cousins are so genetically different and raised by a different family essentially

Incest is so hot, specially when it's siblings love. Sadly I don't have a sister...

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Kim K is Armenian, Arabs and Armenians look similar retard

What do you mean by inbreeding even. First, second or third cousin? I don’t understand

No they don’t lol, different phenotype

First cousin is literally the first child of your parents siblings.

You believe that jew shit?

This directly corelate with the recent mass migrations to Western Europe.

I'm talking about her clothes and makeup retard

>jews are semtic
Yeah, have ya seen those disgusting yids?

Attached: perfidious leaf.png (680x1102, 818.52K)

First cousins can have babies with almost no chance of genetic issues

>However, several small effects on increased mortality,[7] longer inter-birth intervals[7] and reduced overall productivity[5] have been noted in certain isolated populations.
Nice cherrypicking, faggot
Leafs truly are the most abhorrent posters. I'll be banning you wholesale


Every girl in the world wants to look like Kim

>>There's no actual significant evidence that breeding with your cousin causes genetic abnormalities physically or mentally.
You're that afghan retard that disregards any study showing that the muslim world is filled with illnesses that are the result of inbreeding, aren't you?

But why would you even do that unless that cousin is literally a super model or something. There are many other women to breed?

>Sandniggers do it. Even this sandnigger book supports it.

Well, most “Arabs” are not even Arabs to begin with. A Lebanon woman is different from Saudi and Iraqi and Egyptian

Western Euros have dramatically more developed frontal lobes than anyone else on the planet and those frontal lobes correlate with empathy. Or in other words, the paradox at play is that western euros became a little bit libtarded because of natural selection for empathy, which seemingly occurred as a result of being less inbred than everyone else

che el otro dia un maricon australiano me acuso de defender pederastas, asumo que sos vos

The actual woman who ruined a whole generation of women.

retards, retarded children.

Europeans did it hardcore even before Christianity and I’m not even defending the practice. All people throughout all of the world has done it, I don’t understand why though when there are other women to chose from

Not sure what century you live in.

Y Vos le creiste? Pues si que eres una marica entonces jajaja

Well there's nothing wrong with marrying THAT cousin. Hot damn

Kikes aren't Semitic you retard mutt.

>Nice cherrypicking, faggot
It was your own link nigger.
You can't even make a counter-argument from your own link.
Your link literally proved my original point.
>small effects
>have been noted in certain isolated populations.
Literally nothing. Any isolated population will show "effects" even if they don't marry their cousins.

>You're that afghan retard that disregards any study showing that the muslim world is filled with illnesses that are the result of inbreeding, aren't you?
You're that French retard who keeps posting fake studies, aren't you?

Show me actual evidence that's it's bad nigger.
You can't.

Attached: Alvarez.png (375x424, 197.65K)

checked but based, only a 10% chance of problems on first first cousin inbreed, truly the way God intended, why pollute your bloodline with some BPD probably leftist cunt. Keep it in the family Alabama style and everything will be peachy keen

Estaba muy enojado con nuestra linda bandera, y teniendo en cuenta tus posteos voy a decir que sos vos kpo

Why is this practice so prevalent in the south? Kek

Is this considered white in america?