Liberian African Immigrant Murders White Girl Daisy “Jupiter” Paulsen, media silent

Watch a video of the protest here, there will be more. shills will lie about everything, tell them to fuck off

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>"Stop blm terrorism"
Lmao that makes their true intentions clear. Dude killing the loli had fuckall to do with blm. That band of neckbeards just want a reason to be racist

>killing a 14 yo
>being racist is the real problem
ok bro

Racism has killed millions of men, women, and children throughout history, so yeah its a pretty huge fucking problem. Just look at Buffalo

>Murder is not the problem it’s murder with racist intent
Holy fucking retard

>look at who everyone has to care about
>look at who if you care about them and justice for them you are called evil
even if what you say is true, and i know you can attribute anything you want to racism, ill stick up for the little guy in today time.

All a Jew would really need to do is go to the family and have them disavow these white supremacists marching for their daughter and boom, your protest is no more lol

they supported them retard.
imagine disavowing the only people speaking up for your dead kid
>this could have been prevented

lmao at vdare and njp encouraging their paypigs to cuck to the tranny narrative.

Lol, her father joined up with a local White nationalist from North Dakota and supported him and the NJP for coming to their city.

>Liberian negroid
Ages after we shipped them there, they somehow found their way back to be oppressed here kek.

You'd love that wouldn't you.

ok this shill made me kek

something tells me he does not even know how that pseudo country started

this was meant for you


Tranny detected. Niggers attack humans daily and you clap for justice, fucking faggot.

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Tranny confirmed

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I live in Fargo. Not one correlation to race here.

Maybe people are just used to it. African immigrants (brought in by the now bankrupt Lutheran Social Services) have been raping and killing the locals since the 90’s.

that fucken pipe tho

sounds like a systemic problem..
when you get used to it so much the media does not want to talk about a 14 YO killed, do you think this is acceptable? this should be almost unheard of

Nobody needs an excuse to be racist niggers show every day that they should all be shot on sight

It’s a major issue. Deeply red area with shitlib media (namely Forum Communications whose paper named the last president of Lutheran social services their “person of the year” for bringing us half of Somalia).

There is a reason Ilhan Omar graduated from North Dakota State University.

A blm proponent ran over over 60 whites in Waukesha; it's a terrorist organization.

>Africans in North Dakota
Nothing is sacred to these coons

also do you think the same thing would have happened in those immigrants were from Sweden?

the state department brings them too, i think the media is the biggest issue

forgot the memeflag

Suck my dick nigger

Considering most of us are Swedish and Norwegian, no.

Though most Swedes are Somalian now too so maybe it’s a bad example.

Whites get murdered all the time by nonwhites, hardly worth a headline.

>somthing bad happens all the time
>not worth talking about

you must be one of those Mizrahim they put up with so you can make sandwiches lol

not that bad, yet

You must be a nigger
And you think I'm a mizrahi monkey because I hate niggers? Fucking lol what a retard

no i think that because you talk like a 3rd word Pakistani or some shit, step it up you should be smarter

You write like a nigger too i'm not obligated to make an effort writing 3 am Any Forums posts for your enjoyment (nigger)

>he thinks its an obligation