
Is Rwanda the proof of that niggers can actually run a country without it turning into a total shithole?

>99% black
>Still relatively poor but the economy is growing rapidly
>If they maintain this growth rate for15-25 years, they will become a wealthy nation.
>The capital Kigali is cleaner than most Western cities.
>Littering is punished, plastic bags are banned and they have a community cleaning day once a month.
>Has lower crime rate than the US and much of the EU despite being much poorer.
>Low corruption rate.
>Attractive Women.

Attached: 1566228260204.jpg (2880x1234, 1.19M)

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Aren't they about to go to war with the Congo for the 15th time in 30 years?
>attractive women
Lmao prove it.

Looks nice, hopefully they keep up the good work.

Wonder what allowed this to happen a genocide maybe of the worst of the blacks leaving many women and only good non viocus male niggers

>Attractive Women.
You jad to go and spoil it at the end didnt you?

Adopting consumerism isn't success.

The Hutus killed the Tutsis and then got genocided in return. Now the Tutsis rule Rwanda and they were the ones favored by the Belgians for it being monkey niggers like the Hutus. Rwanda is proof the genocide actually works and why it has happens so often in history.

yeah go to rwanda and let us know how it compare. Looks like fun!

>The entire state income come from white countries

And I end my case.

>Lmao prove it.
Its the catalonia tranny poster, thats enough proof for you

Good for them. They should stay in Africa though.

>no domestic businesses
>country is entirely funded by foreign capital (specifically chinese money)
>dumb niggers remain as dumb niggers

Memeflags are all trash until proven otherwise at this point. The only reason you'd hide your flag (when VPNs are so widespread) is if you're nefarious and also too stupid/pressed for time to set up a VPN.

They also got to commit genocide and get away with it

Rwanda is being funded and guided by China. We've known this for a while but here's a sauce:
And in case it isn't clear
>niggers + niggers = mudhuts
>niggers + kikes = amerimutt shitholes
>niggers + spics = pure murder shitholes
>Niggers + chinks = Wakanda

No, they had a genocide and have forced public cleanups. They are on a repentance journey, like the swedes (for some reason).

Perhaps this is the real heart of the British Rwanda refugee resettlement plan. Rwanda getting better because they killed off their shit people=>flood them with more shit people to reverse the trend.

I heard they are very racists towards black refugees lmao. is that true?

> literally on the verge of another genocide

Black people hate black people when they're in Africa, outside, they're bestfriends and love eachother.

A french nigga is talking about productivity?

Rwanda is a former german colony.
all former german colonies are better than the rest of africa.

Attached: 1586294704634.jpg (1280x1795, 599.01K)

>Chinese money, leadership and construction
Niggers didn't, and can't do shit.

Came here to post this. Mono-ethnic societies, even nigger ones, work better

>catalonia tranny poster
Also, proven Israeli.