Why nobody wants to work with zoomers??

>be me, 18
>summer break
>no job whatsoever
>can't find a job because faggots do not accept zoomers anymore
>remain broke and p00r

What the fuck is wrong with the society???
I wonder (((who))) could be behind all this... or is it all just our own fault? Who is responsible for this mess?
What are the political implications of this, wtf?

Maybe I should whore myself out and become a comfort boy for older men since I have a cute twinkish face and it won't be that hard to do, i am in loss of words and hope.
Teenagers are NOT supported by boomers, fuck you oldfags. Why is life so hard? I hate it here

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Nobody hires zoomers because they fucking suck to work with. Easily offended, don't wanna do any actual work, and they're dumb as rocks.


> you vill eat ze bugs
> you vill own nothing
> you vill be happy

that is not true!
Zoomers are full of energy and unlike boomers and older generations we don't cry about "muh bones hurt" 24/7
We are people too, we need money and want to work, like what am I supposed to do now??? Make an onlyfans??

This has gotta be bait

They are so fucking stupid it blows my mind.

it isn't, I shit you not I cannot find a job anyfuckingwhere, it's fucking OVER!!

You gotta get a starter job. Start with fast food. Don’t quit right away. Work there for at least 6 months, a year is preferred. Then you will get more offers.

how are zoomers stupid?? What did they do to you

I helped my nephew, 18 years old, get his first job at chick fil a

I work with tons of zoomers and they tend to be cucked by their parents. They don't like to rebel, none of them party, and they love wearing masks. Every once in awhile there is a zoomer with work ethic but for the most part they don't want to get dirty.

Did you do any sports or clubs or volunteer shit in highschool? Any skills or hobbies?

At 19 I worked fast food
I’m 20 and now a park ranger
Idk figure it out like I did fellow zoomer

OP will stop posting now because this is a bait thread by a memeflag. My work is done here.

>sports or clubs
oy fucking vey imagine thinking we have time for that sklkkskskskskks

I never volunteered for anything either, I have amazing language skills tho and uhm... that's it-

> can't find a job because faggots do not accept zoomers anymore

You walk in there with a resume, ask for the manager and firmly shake their hand. Getting a job is that simple

Also no offense by working isn’t that fun
Enjoy life user don’t worry too much about wage slaving for these pathetic kikes

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I was wrong and retract my previous post. Do you have a resume? I know you don’t have much to put on it but you should start one. What was your GPA?


Dull, stupid, terrible, bad, poor, unimpressive, always the same, totally expected, absolutely been done before, terrified to reference (or not reference), put it in a blender, shit on it, fart on it, vomit on it, piss on it, abort it

>your "advices" tease

But i will look up to them anyways, so thanks user

They just are, the schools changed dramatically or something. I have three brothers under 20 and they are unironically the dumbest and biggest assholes I've ever met in my entire existence.

>i was wrong
yea yea whatever, KYS

Make a resume and put your GPA and some relevant skills on there. Doesn’t need to be longer then 1 page just something to submit with your application. Won’t do much but it will increase your odds.

> i cleaned dishes with 19
> now im 19 and a half and im a manager of a bank
> figure it out noob

literally only depends on the people you know. i knew a guy who owned a company and he let me work for him. if you dont know people that make moves youre fucked. thats life.


You're right user, I thought that resumes are a meme, but now I see that it's a real thing and not just some Hollywood entertainment

wagie trap

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Just apply to every single fast food place within driving distance with a bare bones resume that had your GPA and some sports on it. I know you didn’t do sports but just lie who cares.

>Teenagers are NOT supported by boomers
Boomers retired, it’s us Millennials that are calling the shots. Most zoomer teenagers dont want to learn, dont know how to do stuff, you just wanna get paid and sit on your tik tok and faceberg all day everyday.
Show some motivation then you will get a job or else you remain where you are.

Go work at GameStop or Costco user
Try there
Better than Costco
Just apply everywhere online with an resume. It just has to be one to two pages
Ask your neighbors if they have any work.

fuck off leaf, go fuck a dog or whatever animal you're into


>fight for the globohomo, user!
Great advice

I beat and strangled a zoomer who got in my face but I was pried off of him before he died and while I'm glad I didn't get charged with something for killing him I am sad he lived to see another day.
I hope niggers kill them all.

Zoomers are always on their smartphone its tiresome

This is also an opportunity don’t do the marines tho, army or airforce or navy is better.

*at not than

He is right tho. A 4 year contract to the military is equivalent to a business degree these days.

Talk to boss directly and tell him you can start work today, that's the best advice

because a large % of you lot are lazy and lack discipline and they assume the rest of you are like that
>inb4 boomer

>we need money and want to work, like what am I supposed to do now???
This is where you are wrong.
The proper attitude is : “we want to learn a craft”.
Money comes after.

Military forces vaxx don't listen to these recruiters

Yep I’m on it right now while you’re on pc and I always make the threads that get 300 replies.

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You're 18 OP. Hang out with your friends. Sell plasma for pocket money. Pirate everything off rutracker. Go frolfing and get eaten up by gnats. There's no more precious resource than time, especially when you're young, and you want to trade that for rapidly declining dollars?

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When I catch you... I swear to God-

stopped reading there. I hate millenitards so fucking much you don't know...

True, but that's because everyone irl is boring

>you VILL work for free and you VILL be happy!

Don’t join the military fellow zoomers
It’s retarded my friend got back after his girlfriend broke with him and bought a truck rather than saving his money

oops, I forgot
I'm not vaxxed btw

Do not do this
Do not do this
>you will regret it

you applied to jobs without a resume and youre here complaining that you
>can't find a job because faggots do not accept zoomers anymore
are you fucked in the head? this is why people hate zoomers, grow up

t. zoomer

TO BE FAIR: Hiring is a shit proposition for many biznesses, it is a huge headache and would increase my liability, and cost training time. So for ultra-lean biznesses it just doesn't make sense, even tho I would hire ZOOMER since it is good to have energy of youth inside an organization. (Also so I could pass it to someone with similar beliefs etc. when I want to move on to different enterprise or retire.)
Many biznesses at least in LEAF-LAND are at this stage of very lean because it is much easier to finance (especially at start.) And then after it is annoying to restructure.

People who in the military around my age 18-20 regret it
My friends almost went in but actually listened to their brains.
Don’t join it’s not worth it
They don’t teach you any life skills either
Making your bed, doing chores, and working out doesn’t fix your life

now you know how we felt when we were graduating into obamas recession

This is what we are doing? Responding to retarded bait instead of having real conversation. See you guys Monday for niggerlover day I guess.

Yeah he needs to make a resume and put all the things he as done
>he can lie too if doesn’t have anything

What friends? Have you seen the Gen Z lately?
They're all faggots
I have no time to enjoy the globohomo and whatever the fuck there is on Rutracker, neither do I wanna get beat up by hoodrats or whatever you mean by that

ouch :/
You're right, leaf, it's my fault
Well i'm gonna try again tomorrow and listen to what Any Forums said to me, if this won't help then... then I don't know what will honestly!

See ya tomorrow nigger

I still know zoomers who wagied until they could buy pressure washer or other sort of equipment and then started small business this way...Not a bad option, can take cash payments, and if serving even somewhat well-off areas, you can charge a lot (it's hard to get good work done on maintenance and renovation of house.)

>now you know what it feels like to suffer
user, you have to make the world a better place, for the future generations to enjoy, not this...

>1990 born
Suck it up dude, we had to deal with this shit as well. Either sell drugs/do online fraud for cash, collect bennies, work a trade cash in hand under someone's wing, kiss your parents arses to let you stay there for cheap or get yourself an IT type qualification and then into a shit admin job/apprenticeship and work up from there or do Forex trading once you have enough disposable income/savings and have learned it and practiced. You just need one bit of experience to get your foot in the door.
I would say just do credit card/ID fraud and Forex, maybe a trade on the side with some cash in hand jobs. Steal/lie about your qualifications if you can do the job.

I have friend named Wyatt whos doing this but he’s into car

Lie on your resume bro.

Pretend you have been working since the minimum legal age you can work in your state. Also tack on a few years beforehand pretending you did PT work at your uncles business/store.

>you vile learn orkh you vile starve
If you want a secure income you must get a starter job for a craft. Forget the big stores, and big chains, try landscaping, it’s the season right now, find a crew and join them, see how it work, try to learn quick, then the next year get a crew of friends, rent a truck and buy equipment then start a landscaping business while you are at school/uni.
Zoomers are such lazy faggots. You want to get paid 18$/hour playing on your iphone.
Eat your bugs now, that’s all you can afford.

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you won't be people when you all starve to death.

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Dying or killing for zog is a guaranteed ticket to hell fire.

it's been this way for decades, you aren't the first generation to face it. Illegals take the entry level jobs now.

Don't you know that people go to hell for a lie?
And that's exactly what i'm gonna do, lol.
Thanks for the advice, user

Well no I’m on my phone while I deal with tweakers and niggers

Zoomers had a lot of really good opportunities to get jobs between 2017 and 2021.
With the economy nosediving the way it has been recently, you will start to see a lot of layoffs and overqualified people taking whatever jobs they can get - i.e. engineers working at Subway.
Best thing you can do is take advantage of your age and apply for as many apprenticeship programs and entry-level jobs as possible. Good opportunities or bad, it's still just a numbers game.
I'm a later-gen millennial who started looking for work a week before the economy crashed in 2008. Finding work between 2009 and 2012 was very difficult.

last time the usa won a battle let alone a war go.

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just prep like crazy; write up an honest resume based on online templates and practice interview responses to typical questions. nothing in life is free remember. I wish you luck man

Faggot, back in my day we lied, cheated and stole our way to where we wanted to get if we were stopped along the honest route.
Nah, Jewish society just dictates Jewish tactics being successful to get on the ladder, even better if you can do it to jews.

That's apu not pepe, newfag

2020 was hard to find work though. It’s easier now


Very nice! Everything mechanical is something that retarded white-collar niggers like me cannot do. Thus, we will have to pay someone, and so I think this sort of industry will never die.

Most people aren't getting work off therefore it's not a real holiday.

Go eat pork

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Its not zoomers. Its hard to get a job and you never listened. It is much easier to get a first job now than a decade ago.

Everything is electronic now so it’s not as easy compared to older cars.