Aaaaaaaaaaaand there you have it. Conservatives scammed by their own AGAIN

Aaaaaaaaaaaand there you have it. Conservatives scammed by their own AGAIN.

It's almost as if was right.

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Allowing isn't the same as forcing

Liberal children are going to get vax maxed boo hoo


The health care providers are ordering them, it's not like he's the one promoting it.

it would be an issue if he mandates vaccines to this group

Do you not understand English very well? Allowing them to order vaccines for young children is not the same thing as allowing them to order young children to vaccinate.

Its a win/win, retarded lefttard euthanize they kid and I get to laugh at them when they don't even make it pass 3 grade with my unvax kids.

The wording is weird. It seems to imply that he refused to use state funds to get injections for infants but he isn't standing in the way of healthcare providers from buying them on their own.

The fucking cope in this thread. You faggots are as ignorant as the leftists you hate.

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They can't even speak their own language, otherwise they wouldn't come here or attack our politicians. Bulgaria has never been poppin'.

Uh...I'd be surprised if he had the power to stop them from ordering the jabs.


I laugh at you for sending your kid to public school. Do that shit at home, faggot.

The Conservative is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a zionist, sellout, niggerlover, anti-white, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Closeted Progressive and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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The Surgeon General of Florida calls bullshit.

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Public schools have to accept a DHS religious exemption no questions asked. If your pediatrician is demanding the vax, find another provider. Freedom-friendly providers are booming in Florida right now.

t. Whole household never tested, never jabbed

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the free state of Florida doesn’t force vaccines, DeSantis is simply giving parents the choice to vaxxmaxx their children

Maybe you should learn to read. It says he's ALLOWING them to ORDER children to get vaccines.

Order them as have them in stock you fucking idiot

DeSantes saw the SADS numbers go up so whats there to lose if you political enemies want to off themselves?