Political situation in iraq!!

I am a man of the army of the men of the naqshbandi order, i terrorize the americans in the morning, the shias in the middle of the day and the christians in the middle of the night, and other minorities inbetween, i have personally witnessed the brutal massacre of 38 civilians(collaborator swine) in the town of buhriz/bahraz.

(i pledged allegiance to zarqawi after osama excommunicated him, then to douri and nuaimi)

Ask me anything.

Attached: ChadOfJihad.jpg (800x533, 34.77K)

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how do you make the perfect hummus

Can an Arab not be Muslim? Or is he forever doomed to be a semite?

by boiling hummus and mashing it, maybe add some tahini and olive oil, and obviously salt and lemon. (do not add minced garlic whoever tells you to must be put to death)

I say this because while I like the middle east, Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God.

A non muslim will never be accepted in the peninsula, the most holy and revered land, not even jizya will save him from the sword, outside of the peninsula sure, there can be non-muslims who happen to be racially arab, but it is disgusting to me.


What's your feels on negros

Have you ever beheaded anyone? Or committed any other cool looking atrocity. I'm not a glowie so just you know...

Attached: 1655584569573.gif (400x300, 2.6M)

How does one become so based?

Bring back ottoman

Mohamutt (piss be upon him) was a rapist, pedo ,.thief and murderer.
Imagine worshipping the worst of humanity as role model.

I am a sectarian of the highest order, i try not to discriminate against other races, and i wont hate a negro just because he was born a negro, yet i would be lying if i said i do not notice lesser cognitive abilities from the negro race, they produce good soldiers though, when trained and taught correctly.

By reading the quran, bukhari and sahih muslim, and taking a quick look at the current situation of the world.
Someone like you can never insult the prophet muhammad, it is like a man, angry at the sun for spreading so much light, spitting at it, only for the spit to fall right back on his dirty face!

Worked as a private contractor in 2004/5 truck driver. LSA anaconda balad etc. Most hilarious thing I've seen in my life was the us army trying to get Iraqis to yomp singing gay ass songs. "Nigger. This Iraq. We will be dead in 12 months if we are lucky. Otherwise we will live in a bombed out apartment block with no toliet forever. Does it even matter if we are first on the beach? You want to sing a gay marching song?"

Let's just say i have learned to keep my knife sharp at all times (not implying anything here by the way)

Based though. You niggers tried to blow me up and shot me about half a dozen times. Fair play. So you should.

You're lucky you were not hanged on fallujah bridge with your fellow crusader rats, i break the cross.

Wait, 38 civilians? Meh you are not NATO material, noob!

You children will be raised by other men when the Christians kill you.

I miss those days, i thought of getting into syria but it was too complicated, back then it was simple, kill americans, then kill the persian dogs, then kill anyone who supported either in any way, in syria everyone killed everyone, there was no doctrine in the murdering.
