3 entire brown civilizations BTFO by like 200 conquistadors

>3 entire brown civilizations BTFO by like 200 conquistadors

Why were they so shit?

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spaniards were hardened people after fighting with mushit castles for 700 years but later they realized they didn't have anything else to do after kikes and mushits were gone, and they also had the best immunological system in the world

Serious answer: they had already collapsed from epidemics by the time the conquistadors got there. Also, they weren't brown, they were genetically very similar to Asians.

Spain had native allies which helped them. They also had superior tactics and armament, which netted them an easy victory.

Attached: grande.png (640x454, 270.17K)

look at this, it is pretty neat

Attached: anthropology neanderthal ancestry in world.jpg (634x303, 49.32K)

and this

Attached: anthropology Denosovan ancestry in world map.jpg (1440x618, 105.29K)

The Spanish were absolute chads back then.
The Spanish conquest of America is so incredible it feels surreal.

Metal my mutt amigo. Metal. One thing that the entire Andes-Sierra Madre Range lacks is coal. Without coal you cannot make steel. Jade and odsidian and stone weapons bounce off steel breast plate.

now here is a particular denosovan allele. This indicates ancestry

Attached: anthropology denosovan allele frequency.jpg (602x359, 38.99K)

the columbian exchange killed them all. introducing diseases that were already fucking awful and that ravaged major old world populations were now introduced into a population that had no resistance at all, with smallpox, typhoid fever, chicken pox/scarlet fever, and even the bubonic plague being the major killers. other diseases introduced to the natives include influenza, diphtheria, and cholera. the statistic for natives killed within the first 100-150 years following 1492 was upwards of 85-95% of their total population.
diseases introduced into the old world by natives is of course the presence of a new strain of syphilis, though it is proven syphilis existed pretty much everywhere in the world before this exchange.

Attached: cry3.gif (65x50, 102.73K)

This is an oversimplification. Disease contributed but the vast majority of the deaths occurred sometime after the Spanish had already been established there.

During the siege of Tenochtitlan, which is one of the most difficult cities to siege due to it literally being in the middle of a fucking lake. Cortez made his own boats and gunships and attacked and took over the city. The Aztecs had something like 200,000 defenders.

i mean having ships, rifles, armor, horses, dogs.. all of their past experience in warfare.. yeah it really wast hat easy. they systematically went from one pocket tribe to another and just executed them. also being worshiped like gods will give you an edge. realize these peoples didn't even have written languages.. they were kind of dumb and crazy. wasn't hard for a more enlightened people to push their shit in.

This could have only happened if they sailed to South America from Asia, right?

Incas created more of the food you currently eat than any other civilization.

Several centuries of getting cucked by Muslims was like being left in a crucible for them. They came out of that hard as fuck.

I used to love playing Seven Cities of Gold and committing genocide on the natives.

yup. Polynesians already have some proven mixture with South american natives and they also have the sweet potato which is indigenous to americas. there is also 'abbo' ancestral DNA in brazillian natives. Lots of mixing much earlier than expected.

They pissed off all the other tribes that they had conquered and the other tribes joined the Spanish against them. Simple as.

Because 80% of the surviving no name tribes hated the aztecs and just wanted a reason to kill them.

I know the Polynesians also went as far as Madagascar. The native Malagasy are descended from Borneans

Spanish filling the canals of Tenochtitlan with blood and bodies, pure kino. I wish the shadow king who basically controlled the three tribes wasn't so bloodthisty. The Aztecs became what they fought against and could've become more cultured. Hell one of their kings even banned human sacrifice and spent his time studying

yes, idk much about madagascar, all I know is africans had to be told about it, kek.

Have you heard of the solutrean and clovis connection, clovis is weirdly more advanced than other tools of the time and similar to solutrean which was occuring at the same time. I think there is some otehr evidence DNA wise too that shows natives are mixed with euros

The concentration of sites is on the OPPOSITE side of supposed land bridge migration

Attached: clovis sites solutrean.clovisusa.jpg (700x504, 68.13K)

Divide and conquer.