Spain past its Muslim period failed to produce any relevant philosophers, mathematicians, scientist...

Spain past its Muslim period failed to produce any relevant philosophers, mathematicians, scientist, artist and physician. Its only accomplishment is the cowardly genocide of the native Americans, the persecutions of Jews and Muslims and the enslavement of many native Africans, Americans and Asians. And there are still people out there to argue that the Reconquista was a positive thing?

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Thanks muh ham head

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Positive means different things to different people. Did you sail across the ocean to bring God to men living in trees?

>Circumnavigates the global
Nothing personal kid.

Also, the Iberian Peninsula is a great starting location in the original Rome: Total War.

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You post this shit everyday. Yes, getting rid of the mudslimes was a positive thing. They were invaders that should've never been there in the first place. Spain was too soft. They should've went into Morocco and genocided everyone there too just to send a message. Stay the fuck out

What a staggering achievement

Go back to work Corentin, my RSA is not going to pay by itself.

>conquered by arabs for 800 years
>beat them back village-by-village, town-by-town
>you have the whole of spain now
>but it's not enough
>send 300 conquistadors to conquer an empire 6000 miles away
>then do it again for the incas

Whichever way you look at it, this is fucking impressive. Spain is the perfect story of the underdog white man

Why are you so obsessed about spain? and also spain did produce a lot of stuff after al andalus, you just don't know because france has failed to produce anything besides the Khmer Rouge, Haiti and a full nigger football team.

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Go back to pedaling Rachid, my diner is not going to deliver itself.

this again? get a life faggot and go back to morroco shitskin, france is for french

>every single day

Attached: espaƱita.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

>pain past its Muslim period failed to produce any relevant philosophers, mathematicians, scientist
thats cause everyone was busy killing each other

At least the Muzzies built sewers. It took the Spaniards centuries to figure out how to do that.

>genocide of the native Americans, the persecutions of Jews and Muslims and the enslavement of many native Africans, Americans and Asians.
>And there are still people out there to argue that the Reconquista was a positive thing?

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>>conquered by arabs for 800 years
>>beat them back village-by-village, town-by-town
it's not spanish vs arabs
it's chritstians vs muslims
the latter were of different origins and mostly non-arabs

Fuckin muzzie seething that Spanish BVLLS stopped your shoddy invasion into Europe

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kys mutthamad

Franco came after that you camel fucker.
Deus vult
omnes interficere

They have been raped non-stop for 800 years so they were already brown mutts by the time they expelled the Arabs.