I feel uncomfortable when I am around 100% black communities. I'm black. I don't know why this is happening

I feel uncomfortable when I am around 100% black communities. I'm black. I don't know why this is happening.

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daily reminder that it's ok to be gay

Yes you do lol
Its a choice and you chose wrong

All nuggets feel this way I think. It’s why they won’t go back to Africa and why they consistently say in polls that they want to live in a mixed black majority neighborhood. I.e. they want to be the dominant race, but know they need others to keep society running. Niggers know that without them, they’ll turn into Haiti and that if you get too many black people together at once, shit goes crazy and people get shot.

flashy multistep nigger handshakes make me nervous af

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The condensed satanic aura throws me off too dude

It's a good thing OP.

Coomer Wojak was made by gays.
Qa made soijaks that look Like homo would make and one of them jerked off to gay porn.
Ancient Greeks and Romes were gay.

Writing that because some of you fartnuggets are hypocrites.
You are American. That's why.
Not a Wise idea, son.
America is a native place so it makes sense why Spades are there. Btw, just tell them you are a Slav and Slavs aren't White and you Will be spared because muh SlAvS aRnT WhIt NufF 4 sUm of U.

I think you have a bbc craving! You should get your ass fucked by a black and then you would not hate them anymore!

Statistically speaking, you're more likely to be killed by your own kind.

I'm an East African immigrant, I don't really like being around African Americans simply because of the culture. You aren't racist user.

most blacks feel uncomfortable around 100% black communities. see Tommy Sotomayor for explanation

Because you unconsciously know that they won't treat you with kiddie gloves and that you're liable for some bad shit to happen to you and nobody would give a shit, help you, or compensate you.
Around yt peepole though, you either get treated fairly well (because people feel the need to show that they aren't racist or they feel the need to atone for some orinal sin relating to slavery because their brainwashed), or people are coldly indifferent to you, and maybe at worst someone will say something off-color and act like a white nigger; but they won't try to jump you to beat you half to death for thinking that you were disrespecting them.

I hung out with a group of Africans in grad school and the most racist shit I’ve ever heard irl came out of their mouths. Africans despise American niggers with a passion that puts stormfags to shame.

Makes sense considering who the majority victims of black crime are

Ghanaian who feels the exact same way. Never liked black Americans.

Why not? It's "black excellence" and "kill whitey" all wrapped up together! It's a cultural death fetish.

I wonder
Black males are the only race where the leading cause of death is homicide (mostly caused by other black males)

White males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #3 homicide 7.6%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.2%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.2%

Black males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #1 homicide 48.6%
20-24 #1 homicide 47.7%
25-34 #1 homicide 31.9%

Gun deaths, Blacks are 82% homicides (mostly caused by other black males) while White gun related deaths only 19% homicides

U.S. firearm death by type and race
White firearm deaths
77% suicide
19% homicide
Black firearm deaths
14% suicide
82% homicide


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100% retarded...how are you even alive? No one likes you either, go back to the dilation board you ultra faggot!

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Don't forget when the gibs start drying up and whole countries in africa face famine, it will be because your black brothers in America were sold into the most damnable position humanly imaginable - and it wasn't by "white people" this time.

Are you in a ghetto?

you are white

Damn hes so uncormftable he made 2 posts.
Nice botting faggot.

pro-tip: the "beast man" doesn't just mean "black people"

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It's because you know being black won't keep you safe just by sharing a skin color. You're still likely to be attacked, but it'll be for reasons other than "fuck you because you're x minority." Maybe you'll be mugged. Maybe you'll be carjacked. Maybe you'll be accidentally shot because retarded niggers can't shoot straight when two rival gangs try killing each other in the middle of the street. If you're one of the good ones, never relax.

>if you get too many black people together at once, shit goes crazy and people get shot.
Yeah, but that only takes three niggers in one spot for it to happen. That's why their black majority utopia will never exist.

>One of the good ones

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>Africans despise American niggers
All of the Africans I've known have said that the first people that tried to take advantage of them were niggers, while Whitey was always helping them out. It's unfortunate that their kids get sucked into nigger culture and become just another generation of niggers.

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