How will brownlets and negresses cope when all the handsome white men are gone?

How will brownlets and negresses cope when all the handsome white men are gone?


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the hot ones like us the ugly ones dont

I can't wait for Mexican cartels to run America and slaughter all these tranny mutts

>the great replacement is a whackjob conspiracy theory
Imagine being one of these weirdos whose entire life is dictated by their insecurities about not being hwhite

they will go for the next best thing, castizos, and we have aztec blood, they will be sacrificed to the all mighty Quetzalcoatl.

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This meme sums up their opinion pretty much.

I like to confuse mutts and say "Yeah, i'm a native".
"Oh what kind of native, cherokee, cree?"
"I'm a native Danish person."
"But uh uh uhm europeans aren't nati-ACK"

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Don't make exceptions, Mestizo will become the ruling class and Mulattos will be executed.

what % is mexico castizo?

fox grapes

One of two things will happen. We continue down the same path, and all western countries turn into Brazil. The niggers suffer and die, while small groups of whites live in relatively prosperity in isolated cities.
The other option is that things get so bad that white people wake up and just get rid of all the brown shit infesting our countries.
Obviously the second one is preferable.

They'll just look for Asians, then castizos, then light-skinned mulattoes, until eventually it's Africaworld

The first step is Scandinavia, the second, Europe.

will you leave america?

That does not mean what you think it does.

>move to a white majority country to have an easy life thanks to all the surplus they produce
>"damn, I wish dem fuckin crackas wuz gone"
>no longer a productive white majority
>no longer an easy life
>move to the next white country

Indian women are truly repulsive...god damn

>How will brownlets and negresses cope when all the handsome white men are gone?
They will starve to death

yes, soon the world will be inhabited exclusively by brown female squidwards


A prosperous white/mixed white native country until they did the same mistake as the amerimutts and they brought a fuck ton of slaves and now 40% of the population are niggers.

Some parts of Brazil with a white majority are based low crime areas with a lot of farmers and ranches

The nigger areas are huge ghetto's and drug addicted city's

Isn't that interesting

I just love the smug look on her face. Like she knows doing that is gonna make white incel chuds seeth like crazy but she does it all the same because she fucking loves it.

ethnics shouldn't be so quick to celebrate white extinction, because it gets a whole lot worse when we are all gone.

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the arabs made the right decision when they weren't being penny-pinching kikes but just castrated their slaves.

>cope when all the handsome white men are gone?
They won't, because they won't have running water and will die.

tfw americans say that us Europeans treated slaves way better than arabs who castrated them

>i wish we followed in their foot steps in the african slave trade

How quickly anons think we can completely eradicate the nigger race from Europe and the white world once we take back control?

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Why do you think the out of Africa hoax was invented? it was to deny white people to claim indigenous status in Europe. Every time I've pulled the native/indigenous card people say ''we came from Africa'' ''migration happens, its natural'' ''everyone came from somewhere else'' etc. They never say this to any non-white people.

How does the lefts dogma work then the minority has the privilege?

Reminds me of people getting butthurt over native Brits calling themselves indigenous. These people are weak and petty, that's why they resort to word games. But they will never make concessions when their logic is turned on them. Some people find this frustrating, but that's because they still have some hope of convincing these freaks. Realize their dishonesty and refuse to play their rigged games unless it's to rustle their jimmies

I took a DNA test recently and my mom said "would be interesting if it turns out you have African blood in you"

I responded, "No, that would be weird, just look at me."

She replied, "Well technically we all came from Africa."

I Said "No, we don't. We come from the western steppe of Eurasia, we do not come frmo Africa. That's a theory used to deny European native status."

Am i a fucking loser for having a short debate with my own mother? Or was it okay for me to give her some knowledge to remove the zog brainwashing made to her in her youth.

I stopped reading at ''I took a DNA test recently''

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