How did such a small group of jews Buck Break so many millions of White Men?

This is the question you should be asking every single day!

I will tell you how: 2000 years of (((Christianity))) stripped White Men of all tribal instincts and ingroup preference, replacing those instincts with servile virtue signalling and self-flagellation.

Read more:

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But user, the painting isn't real.

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That random quote is your defense to the clear evidence that the fictional kike "Jesus" did not exist and (((Christianity))) was a jew psyop that devastated the White race over the past 2000 years?

LOL does a race of people this stupid and gullible even deserve to exist?

Jews are an easy matter: They are evil so the more evil a nation becomes, the more Jews will be apparent.

And rich nations 100% of the time devolve into degeneracy.

Jews are just very good at supplying degeneracy to those that wish to indulge in it. Almost like the devil, but Irl.

There are less than 10 million Ashkenazi jews alive and 1 billion Whites. This ratio was even greater over the past 2000 years.

The jews got as wealthy and powerful as they are, and destroyed as much as they did, because Buck Broken White Men did their bidding!

Why are White Men programmed slaves to the jew? (((Christianity)))

carrying around a cross does not make you a Christian, and being civilized and selfless means you are full of the christ spirit, even if you don't give it its name. you have nothing, kike.

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Watch Adam Green's Know More News, especially his old interviews with Christopher John Bjerknes.

Rabbis constantly boast about buck breaking whites so that they can ruin and pillage white countries.

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Atheism is more than 55% in most "advanced" Westoid nations. Still seethe about Christ. You brought this on yourselves.

Adam Green makes some good views. I wish he would talk more about secularized variants of christcuckery (Marxism, "progressive" left, etc.).

The person everyone here should read about this is Professor Revilo Oliver:

All linked on the site above:

Western civilization originates from Greece, whose culture was inspired by the great ancient civilizations like Egypt and the Hities. It all goes back to way before Christianity. All Abrahamic religions ruined the greatest civilizations the world had and will ever see.

Marxism, Bolshevism, "Progressive" Left, are all secularized variants of christcuckery!

Yeah, the original psyop is dying, but the jews just started creating secular offshoots.

Guilt and shame and then a system of redemption is christcuckery's framework and what all leftist ideologies follow.

Guilt and shame and a foundation myth based on sin (America was founded on genocide and slavery, not White men creating a great civilization out of nothing) then a system of cleansing that sin.

Critical Race Theory = secularized christcukery's foundation.

I was arguing with a Christcuck (my mistake)
who genuinely believed that Christianity made White civilization great and not the other way around.
I asked him what his cope for Rome was and he replied Pope Leo persuading Attila the Hun not to attack Rome in 452
I posted a map of Rome's apex of territorial gains in 117 (nearly 200 years before the edict of Milan) but he just kept digging himself in
Christcucks are NPC niggers, and I don't respect them or their gay jewish desert religion.
It'd be fine if they just kept to themselves, but they insist on coming here and ruining every discussion

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by using women as proxy.

Christianity is not for normie NPCs
the only "christians" I respect are the esoteric variety that would be deemed "heretic" by the orthodox churches, or 'evil masa's' by the protestard niggers

Is there anyway to deprogram the minds of White Men? Or are we condemned to live with guilt and shame complexes while virtue-signalling and self flagellating ourselves for the jews amusement as our societies crumble around us?

Show your flag kike!

The power of the Jew is almost inconceivable. It controls the most powerful nations, yet hides so well that ordinary citizens can't tell it exists. Inconceivable.

> western civilization
> posts blacks with cross for some reason
discordfags are retarded

LOL the jew does not even try to hide their power anymore ( They flaunt it!

Again, there are 10 million ashkenazi jews in the world, 1 billion Whites. They gain their power solely from Buck Broken White Men. Why do White Men allow them to parasite off of us? 2000 years of christcuckery!

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>oy vey we must stamp out the tiny remaining number of Christians at all costs!111
Do you not realize how obvious your nose is?